Chapter 2: The Force Behind Uncertain Things

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SO i'm updating this story at literally 2 in the morning while working on my other stories including writing ideas for a new story I've had in mind for awhile now. Don't fret, my prides and joy's will always take top priority but for now this should ty you over until the next update to GEMS. SO with that in mind enjoy the read.

This is a fanfiction, BUY THE MURCHENDICE!

UNCHARTED: The Treasure of the Jedi

The Cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek. –Joseph Cambell

As he started to stir Nathan Drake was feeling the worst he ever had in his life. He felt like he got into a fight like a drunk madman with a bear, got eaten by the bear and then beaten to a pulp by a group of thugs who were using bears. Why was he thinking about bears? His vision began to clear as so did his awareness to the growing pain in his arm and back and stomach region... and pretty much everywhere. Apparently Sully didn't look over him to well because from what Drake saw as he laid on the ground when he lifted his shirt was that the bullet that hit his back did go through him but the water must've washed it off while he swam in the ocean. Naturally cleaning the damage with the salt properties.

Nate took a look around him and found himself in an ally way of some kind that in his opinion resembled that of an even more techy, futuristic, kind of Tokyo Japan. But still had the properties of a regular ally way. Trash littering the area, check. Large trash bin like containers, check. Dying man lying in the middle, not necessarily but check. With that Nate Grabbed the end of a trash bin and began pulling himself up. He was very week with his arms right now but that was until he could get treated for his injuries.

"Wait..." Nate said aloud to himself as he stood up leaning against the wall. 'How the hell did I even get here. I'm still shot so I can't be anywhere else other than Puerto Rico, but still they don't have anything like this kind of street. So what the hell happened?' Nate thought then it hit him. The glowing crystal, the blue vortex,... "SULLY!"

Nate had completely forgotten about Sully at the moment. Looking around frantically he couldn't find him. Thanking god for a moment before thoughts of concern for his whereabouts were brought to him. Nate looked down on his person. He had his .45 Defender in its holster on his torso with him. Which didn't make sense. He threw it to Kenny on the island so why did he have it? He shook his head and continued evaluating himself. He felt around and found 6 magazines full of .45 rounds not including the one already in the gun itself. So seven in total.

He searched his pokets and found the small satchel he had attached to his belt. Inside was a blank notebook. Nate was wondering what happened to his other one with all the information about the Bermuda Triangle treasure was when he remembered he left it with Elena back in Porter Rico...

'Oh Crap... Elena is gonna kill me...' Nate thought when he remembered the whereabouts about his wife. Good thing that she hadn't seen what had happened otherwise she'd be freaking out more than he was right now. 'when I get home I'll do the dishes for a year to make it up to her' Nate thought. He then continued to go over his person. Everything was still in place. His flashlight, radio, then he felt it.

He reached into his right hand pocket to find the glowing crystal still glowing a beautiful golden glow. it almost made him think that the stone was alive... almost. As he stared he noticed that the glowing had died down to even less then it was before. Now He could see the edges of the actual crystal itself. He then realized he had been staring for a few good minute before shaking his head and putting it back into his pocket. He looked around the alley way to make sure no one was nearby. It was empty.

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