chapter twenty four

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I went to take a shower before I went to bed. I needed to be up early tomorrow so I could finish typing up a history paper.

It was about the Holocaust. Weirdly one of my favorite times in history to learn about.

As I showered, the bathroom door opened.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Oh shit. Sorry, it's Jack. I forgot you were in here." He said.

And left.


I finished up, dried off, put my clothes on and put my dirty ones in the hamper, then blow dried my hair.

My outfit for the entire weekend was a pair of volleyball shorts, baggy sweats, and a tanktop.

I pulled my hair into a bun, the blue now fading. Maybe I should go natural for a while.

I took my contacts out of my eyes after I washed my face, then slipped on my black rimmed glasses.

I walked into my room, and saw Jack laying in bed, on his laptop.

"Hey. Sorry I walked in on you earlier."

"Don't apologize, you didn't know." I shrugged and grabbed my crossword puzzle book I've been working on.

"I swear, you are an old woman at heart." Jack chuckled.

"Damn straight. Hey, what's a three letter word for the unit of electrical resistance?" I asked.

After fifteen minutes, I've completed the puzzle, and decided on trying to go to sleep.

I got up the next morning, at around five thirty, and drug myself out of bed.

I made myself coffee, now liking it with creamer. I traveled back upstairs where I opened my laptop and plugged in my flashdrive. Now, I never remember which one is for school, for photography, and for somewhat illegally downloaded music.

This one just happened to be photography.

Mostly small family events. Easter, Halloween, Christmas. I did have some from the last tour I went on.

I changed out the flashdrive, and plugged in a different. Ah, there's the school one!

I looked from my desk to the bed, where Jack is peacefully sleeping.

So, to be a kind person and not wake Jack up, I plugged my earbuds into my laptop and brought up Spotify, because I normally listen to my vinyls.

I opened my folder again to the history paper, then got to work.

This was my paper on life after the Holocaust. What it was like for the remaining survivors of Auschwitz.

I watched a few YouTube videos, mostly to help my research, and cried just about the whole time.

But, I had to quit. Because that paper wasn't gonna write itself!

So, in between sips of coffee, I was typing one hundred miles an hour.

My paper was actually apart of my presentation, that I also had to do.

I needed to make a PowerPoint that had to be at least ten slides long.

But, I normally go for fifteen or twenty.

When Jack woke up, it was around ten.

I was halfway through my six thousand word count paper.

"Morning." I said.

"Mhmm. How long have you been up?" He groaned, turning over to face me.

"About five hours." I said.

A Home That Wasn't There// Alex Gaskarth [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now