"That's what," he nodded his head towards the cassette shop. I watched as Emily walked out the door, followed by her boyfriend of the week and a couple of her idiotic followers. I rolled my eyes at his haste to get me out of the view of Emily.

"I'm not scared of her or her boy toy," I claimed, shaking my head.

"I know, but it's not good to have enemies," he shook his head.

"Who are you, my therapist?" I lifted my eyebrows in sarcasm. He chuckled slightly, about to respond, when the clock tower bell rang and my eyes darted to the clock. Fuck. Work.

"Oh shit," I mumbled. "I have to go!" I turned and left with a wave, not waiting to hear him say goodbye.


Days seemingly passed and Peter hadn't asked about why I left so abruptly, which I was thankful for. I'm not even sure how this boy weaseled his way into my mind. The way I officially met him was so strange and quick, that I hadn't really had time to comprehend it. I didn't really care, though. He's nothing to me. Just another guy in my grade.

My walk to school that day was more of a run, since it was raining. The hotel I live in is just right behind the football field, which was both convenient and dangerous.

I got to my locker, brushing my damp hair off of my shoulder to fall against my neck. I got my books and put my bag away, thankful for the morning being uneventful yet again. I then continued onto my Geometry class, slamming my locker door behind me.


"Lyra, may I speak with you?" My teacher asked me after class. I nodded, walking up to the desk as the rest of the class packed up to leave.

"Am I in some sort of trouble?" I asked my teacher, Mr. Frameer.

"No, of course not. Quite the opposite, actually," my teacher smiled. "I'm almost sad to say you are too smart for this class. You ace every test, raise your hand with every question, and show perfect work. We are required to give students an advancement test, which simply sees if students that are doing well in the class exceed what is taught in the class. You are the only one who passed that test. And you passed it with flying colors. I want you to move up to AP Mathematics," he explained to me. I nodded. "I've already spoken to the principle and board of directors and they agreed to letting you enter the AP Mathematics class now, since we are close to a break. Once we get back from break, you will no longer be attending this class."

"Thank you. That sounds great," I smiled. He nodded.

"You can go to the office to pick up your new schedule."


I entered the small office which smelled of pencil shavings and hand sanitizer; this was not the best mix of smells. The sound of paper getting shredded and stern voices filled the room, letting you know you were in the office. You couldn't get away with any crap in this room.

"What can I help you with, dear?" One of the secretary's came up to me.

"Oh, hi. I'm here to pick up my new-"

"He did it again!" A screaming voice entered the room, cutting me off. The door swung open, a red faced teacher by the name of Mr. Warner entering. One hand was clasped in a fist and the other was gripping onto the color of a silver bomber jacket. Wearing the bomber jacket was none other than Peter, who looked quite amused by Mr. Warner's outburst.

"What did he do again?" The secretary that was talking to me asked Mr. Warner, walking over to the two.

"He stole from me! I don't know how, but I swear it was him!" Mr. Warner yelled.

"I didn't steal anything!" Peter claimed. His emotions said otherwise, telling me that he was mischievous at the moment.

"And what did he steal?" The secretary asked.

"He stole my hole puncher," Mr. Warner glared at Peter. I snorted, trying to hold back my laugh. "And he threw my neatly hole punched papers all over the classroom!"

"And did you see him do this?" The secretary asked, crossing her arms.

"Well...no...but he had the hole puncher in his pocket!" Warner yelled.

"Warner, since you have no real proof besides your own word against his, there's nothing I can do. Now let go of the poor boy, you insufferable fool," The secretary glared at him. Reluctantly, Mr. Warner let go of Peter's collar. Peter rolled his shoulders, pretending that Warner's grip hurt him. "Now please return to your class." The secretary nodded at him, turning and walking back to me.

"I'll catch you, boy," Warner glared at Peter, clasping a rough hand on Peter's shoulder.

"Doubtful," Peter smirked. Warner's glare hardened before he turned and left the office.

"Mr. Maximoff, I do advise you not to make Mr. Warner any angrier in the future," The secretary looked up at Peter from her glasses.

"We'll see," Peter smiled, tucking his hands into his pockets as he rolled back on his heels.

Heroes {Peter Maximoff~Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now