Im starting over.

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Im starting over because I think this is overwhelming becasue ive created new books like all the time. And so im starting over. Plus im really not getting anywhere. 🤷‍♀️ So yeah i guess Ill keep this account up tho and to thease special people that made my day



Thank you both. :))))  i will always be part of your ramen noodle group. and also I want to say. Go read this queens book.


Her book truth or dare fack is AMAZING!

and @SassySchnapp

You write awsome books too! I LOVED ALL OF THEM! 

And @quakinginmyloafers




I just started reading your books and I love it!


Your funny. 


Your storys are awsome. (I read so many so I have so many to shoutout.)  


You made a new book and im excited! YEET!


Your funny also. 

And yeah im acting like im dying but im really just createing a new account lol. So yeah go check out thease peoplez they are amazing and made my days. 

My account is Mychpotea

Im going to continue sunshine because you've gatta finish what you've started. So yeet buh bye. 🌙💙💛

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