different teen!lock

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sherlock walked the coffee over to the table, setting one down in front on john then taking a seat across from him.

"thank you." john said to sherlock then sipped his coffee.

"my pleasure." sherlock said and gave john a small smile.

"sorry that took so long," sholto said as he sat down next to john, "my parents just wanted to make sure i'm still breathing." he said with a small laugh. "are you coming to the party, sherlock?" he asked as he put an arm around john.

sherlock nodded. "yeah, wouldn't miss it." he said and took a sip of his coffee.

"great," sholto smiled then turned to john.

they started a conversation, leaving sherlock out, but that's what you get for third wheeling. sherlock had invited john out for coffee, but didn't think he'd bring sholto with him. he knew john would, but he was hoping it was going to be just them this time. he thought about the party to get his mind off of the couple in front of him. especially since he liked john. sholto's parents were out of town, so he was throwing a party like every other teenager would. him and john used to best friends until he started dating sholto then john sort of stopped talking sherlock. they never hung out anymore like they used to and if they did, sholto was always there. sherlock thought it was because sholto didn't like him and john being alone, but that was just a theory. he was jealous of the couple. jealous that sholto got john instead of him. he was mad at himself for thinking john would never find someone and he can wait to ask him out, but john did. and now that chance was gone.

"i'm gonna get going." sherlock said and stood up, putting his coat on.

"aw," john frowned. "really?"

sherlock nodded and grabbed his coffee. "i was really hoping today would just be us cause it's been a while since we just hung out." he admitted with a sigh. "but it's cool. being a third wheel is my specialty. i'll see you guys at the party." he said and ignored the stare from sholto and the apologetic look from john by turning and walking out of the coffee shop.

saturday night, sherlock went to the party with greg and molly. once they got there, molly got distracted and went outside to talk with the people out there while greg and sherlock just walked around. sherlock spotted john and sholto outside dancing and he sighed, turning the other way.

"you've been acting weird lately. everything alright?" greg asked, noticing sherlock turn away.

sherlock nodded. "yeah. fine." he said and cleared his throat. "do you want a drink?" he asked his friend.

greg stared at sherlock. "look, i know. myc told me. if you want to leave, i'll take you home." he said softly.

sherlock looked over at the couple and saw that now they were kissing. he sighed and shook his head, giving greg a sad smile. "i'm fine. gotta get over it any ways," he admitted with a chuckle, holding back the tears. "i'm never going to be with him." he said then turned on the balls of his feet, heading over to the kitchen where the drinks were.

after a few drinks, sherlock loosened up a bit, but kept to himself. he stayed inside and away from john, playing just dance and defeating everyone who dared to challenge him. eventually, john came inside to get a refill on sholto's drink and saw sherlock dancing. he forgot about his boyfriend's drink and went over to his friend, waiting until the song finished.

"mind if i go next?" john asked sherlock with a hopeful smile.

sherlock looked at him then noticed sholto wasn't around. "not at all," he smiled.

john went to the left side, taking the remote from irene who had just lost. sherlock let john choose the song then they started. they used to play this all day when they were younger and john's parents got him a wii for christmas. it was always a tie with them and it was now, so it drew more attention. it drew sholto inside after john hadn't come back inside after a few minutes. he stood and watched his boyfriend dance with his best friend, a bit salty about it.

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