The one , Chapter one

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Hey guys, this is my first fan fic ! I hope you enjoy it :) Much love xx

Chapter one:

Sometimes I wish I could just go back.

See his face one last time. Remember all the memories we had together. I know of course that could never happen, and never will happen.

I lost my Dad a few years back. Now all my memories about him are a big blur. I can never tell if something I remember is real or just a dream I've had.

"Christina darling your going to be late again, hurry your little arse!".

My mother of course, was a little strange. She still acted like she was seventeen. She even dressed liked she was seventeen. All the many reasons why I adore her so much.

I looked at myself in the mirror deciding on wheather I was pleased with my look or not.

My hair is naturally wavy so i left it alone for today, and kept my makeup the same as always, A little eye liner, maskara, and eye shadow. Never to heavy.

I accepted my look and ran down the stairs. I grabbed one of the bagels my mom made and ran out the door. I was definatly going to be late for work again.

I jumped into my yellow bug and drove down to nando's. I loved my job so much, mainly because it was my favorite resturant ever and I cant stop eating. I honestly have no clue why i'm not fat. I do dance, a lot. Could be one of the reasons, I couldnt say.

Different things flowed through my mind distracting me from the road. I did'nt see the boy that walked in front of me. I slammed on my brakes and thankfully I didnt hit him.

I got out my my car to see if he was okay.

"I am so sorry! Are you alright!?", He looked up at me and smiled. He was really good looking. He had blonde hair that perfectly swooshed to the side, and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. When he smiled I saw that he even had braces on. He was super cute.

"Yes I'm fine, thank you for not running me over", he said sarcastically. The sound of his voice ringed in my ears. I loved his, what sounded like , Irsish accent.

"No worries", i winked.

"Whats your name love?". Did he just call me love?

"Christina, and yourself?"

"Niall, where are you headed to?"

Oh my gosh, this guy gave me so many butterflys. I couldnt stop staring at him.

"Im headed to nando's, I was kinda in a hurry because i'm late for work."

A huge smile spread across his face.

"Well, Hopefully I see you there, thats also were im headed."

Could this day get any better? I couldnt believe this was actually happening to me! I never trust anybody. Something about him made me feel like I could trust him. Not like any of the other ass holes i've met.

"Do you want a ride?" I offered desperatly wanting him to say yes. Something about this boy made me feel different. I liked the way he made me feel.

"Sure". He smiled even bigger and climbed into the passengers seat.

We drove for another seven minutes to Nandos talking like crazy. It was'nt awkward at all.

I parked in my usual parking spot and looked over to see Niall smiling at me.

"Could I have your number?" I smiled and put my number into his phone. I was so excited.

He then left to find a seat in Nando's.

Man I hope I get to serve him. If not he always has my number. 


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