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I groaned as Merlin walked me through the halls to his control room. He had me sit in a chair as he started to type on his computer.

"So why am I with you and not in a cell?" I asked confused.

"Because I think you could be a great help to this agency." He said with a smile.

"How?" I asked confused.

"Your a smart individual. You have got farther than anyone else. I have been trying to figure out who you are for six years. The only reason I know who you are now is because you told us. You could help us stop Valentine." He explained.

"Okay.... why would I want to help you?" I asked annoyed.

He looked at me confused and I looked around his office.

"I have got into some of your files, just so you know. I know how this is a dangerous life and most of you die.... I don't want that. Don't like getting attached to people I know is just gonna die." I said stealing his seat.

"Because you get to go home knowing you saved so many people." He said putting his hands on the side of the chair.

"Not worth it if I lose all that I have." I said glaring up at him.

"Then leave.... but know that... this job is important. Your father knew that.... I just hope you will see why he did all of this." Merlin said backing away.

I stood up and started to walk past him. I stopped and looked at him confused when I felt his arm grab my wrist.

"Why didn't you try to hack us again..... after you learned about your father's passing?" He asked softly.

"I don't see how that is any of your business." I said calmly.

"I only ask because.... your father spoke high of you. Said almost every time he would get home from a mission... you would be waiting for him at the front door..... said it stopped after your mother died.... he loved you.... I hope you know that." Merlin said softly.

"No... he loved his work more than his wife and daughter..... if he hadn't been here working his wife might still be alive." I said pulling away from Merlin and walking out of the room.

I could feel tears stream down my face as I walked through the hallways to my car. I made it to the door and bumped into Harry.

"Sorry." I said going to walk past him.

"Are you alright?" He asked softly.

"I'm fine." I said as I tried to pass him.

He grabbed my hand and I turned to look up at him. I could tell that he was searching my eyes for something but I don't know what.

"I'm sorry." He whispered as tears streamed down my face.

I shook my head and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.

"It.... it isn't fair.... they promised me.... they said they would come back home always....... it isn't fair." I whispered as Harry kissed my forehead.

"I know.... I am so sorry that we couldn't save them.... I am so sorry Charlotte." He whispered as he hugged me tighter.

He walked me to my car and got in and drove to his house. When we made it inside he took my coat and lead me to the couch. After handing me a cup of tea he set beside me.

"We had been on a mission in Italy..... your mother and I had to rescue a very important woman. After we saved her we made our way to a plane. Your mother.... she saw the sniper but.... but I didn't. She saved that woman and in doing so stopped a war." He explained.

"What about.... my father?" I asked softly.

"He was on a rescue mission also.... something went wrong. His last message lead us to a man who.... was shortly killed after. That is all I know about his death..... I'm sorry I couldn't help you understand more about it... and that.... I had to tell you about your mother without your father there to comfort you."

"I.... hated him so much... he always said that they would come back to me. No matter what happen they would come back home.... that day when you came and told my grangran what happen.... I was so broken.... so scared... all I wanted was my father, but he wasn't going to be home for another week... and when he did come home... he didn't comfort me. He left me to cry alone in my room.... He is gone and.... I can't tell him how much I hate him for leaving me." I said as I started to shake.

"I know.... I know love." He said as he hugged me again.

"Why is it always you who tells me about the death of someone I love?" I asked sadly.

"Maybe it's so I can comfort you.... and let you know that you are not alone." He whispered sadly.

After awhile I had calmed down and fallen asleep on Harry's couch. When I woke up in the morning I had a blanket over me and my shoes where off. I smiled as I smelled biscuits. I stood up and walked into the kitchen to see Harry cooking.

"I see your awake." He said with a smile.

"So how is Eggsy doing with training?" I asked sitting at the table.

"He is doing great..... I only hope he can pass the last challenge." He said with a sigh.

"Same.... I know this means a lot to him." I said softly.

He smiled at me softly as we talked for awhile. I laughed as he told me about some of the missions he had with my mother and showed me videos of Eggsy training.

"He is a idiot." I said laughing as Harry explained the test to me.

"I know he is.... he picked the worse dog to train." He said with a chuckle.

"I swear... I am getting him a book on how to define dogs." I said as I stood up and put my plate in the sink.

I smiled as we played a game of chess which ended with me losing and Harry wining ten dollars. It wasn't long before Harry left for work and had me stay at his house.

Kingsman Lady Morgana Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon