"What was that about?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame.

"Braska you're a vampire," Levi blurted out. I could hear Layton cussing him out but that wasn't my main concern right now. 

Did Levi just say I was a vampire? That I was one of them? How? Why? When?

A part of me, a very large part of me, told me that Levi was joking and just trying to get under Layton's nerve. However, a small part of me told me that what Levi said made a lot of sense.

I felt energetic at night, my skin was considerably paler, my hair changed, nearly everything about me changed. And as disgusting as it was, I actually liked the taste of one of the drinks, that I now know was blood, and crave it more.

But...when did this happen!

"W-what?" I stammered, leaning against the wall for support. I saw Layton walk towards me but that wasn't what I needed right now. "S-step back! I m-mean it!" I said as clear as I could, even though my words were the complete opposite of what I felt.

I grew stressful and rubbed my head and looked up at them to see them with guilty expressions. "Someone please explain to me what's going on," I said, "starting with me."

Levi sighed. "I'm not staying here for this talk. I'll be out to-"

"You are not leaving me to explain this!" Layton snapped at him. I raised my eyebrows at the both of them.

I was indifferent about Levi being here, but if he was going to leave that quickly, he won't do it without a punishment. If he's in a rush to not stay for this, then that means that they're both hiding something that they know will get me mad.

Fine, if he's going to get away, he won't do it that easily.

"If you want to leave, you'll do it on one condition," I told him, crossing my arms and looking as threatening as I can.

He looked at my warily. "What's the condition?"

I thought about it for a moment. I haven't known Levi that long as a vampire, but I have gotten to know him better as a person back when we were still in school. Of course this is if he wasn't faking his personality, but if he isn't, then what would really get under his skin.

"You have to buy me pads for my uh...thing," I told him, smiling victoriously. There's no way someone like Levi would agree to do that.

He looked conflicted and alternating his gaze between me and the door. "Risk my life, or my dignity?....see ya Layton," he rushed, before leaving the door, locking it behind him.

I looked at him weirdly through the door. Well okay I guess. But by how quickly he left, I now knew the door was unlocked. That will really help me later.

Layton cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, uh...Nebraska, you aren't exactly as uh...human as you were before," he mumbled, avoiding my glare.

I tried to keep my threatening posture up. I know he knows that I couldn't actually hurt him that well, but he better damn know how angry I was. "Wanna explain further?" I asked, trying to keep from snapping at him.

"Remember when you hit your head?" he asked. I nodded, it was a pretty painful memory. "Before that, you were going on and on about how you knew what I was. I panicked thinking you knew I was a vampire and I couldn't have a human know about us since it was against the rules so I kinda maybe...you're not human anymore," he explained, slowly backing away.


Breathing techniques don't always work; especially in these types of situations. I continued breathing heavily while I processed every word that came out of his mouth. 

Forever MineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon