All I Wanted Was Lunch

Start from the beginning

You smile softly and hold out the cheap plastic tray. "Well when you put it that way, how can I possibly say no?"

His grin doubles in size and he drops a Sloppy 'Bonnet' onto the tray in your hands, then piled on a ladle full of tater tots. "Here you are, sweetheart. You go and enjoy that now." He cooed, the same way your grandpa used to when he would sneak you sugar cookies throughout the day.

"Thank you, Mr Bonnet."

"Ah, please, call me Stede. Makes me feel more like one of the kids!"

You couldn't help but laugh along with him. "Alright, well thank you, Stede." He waved you away cheerfully before turning to serve the next student. Your (colour) orbs sweep the room and catch sight of a familiar drop-dead gorgeous Italian across the room, near the windows. You're just about to wave to him, but you stop, brows knitting together in concern as your gaze trails after him. He looks fairly upset. Could it have something to do with the girl speaking with the principal? Was she his girlfriend? Whoa. A twinge of jealousy just struck. Freaky.

Visibly shaking yourself free from the clutches of the green-eyed monster, you stalk a little bit closer so you could hear exactly what the principal, Mr Starrick, was saying. He did not look happy.

Though from what you've been told, Mr Starrick is hardly ever happy.
According to Aveline, Crawford Starrick became Principal at the end of last year, and he's overflowing with plans to turn Primrose High around: raising standardized test scores; ensuring college placements for every student; reducing behavioural problems; making Primrose High the most prestigious school on the entire island. The highest praise one can receive from Mr Starrick is being referred to as a 'model citizen'. He's highly invested in citizenship - there are rumours circulating that he wishes to run for governor in a few years.

When you see him now, he's standing over the girl Ezio was glaring at, somehow managing to look taller than her, even though he was a few inches shorter. "Do you take me for a fool, Miss Auditore?" The toe of his perfectly polished shoe taps against the tiled floor, dark eyes flinty and unreadable. "Did you think your constant absence from classes would go unnoticed by me? Or is it that you simply do not care about your future?" Each consonant is sharply enunciated, every word spoken clearly enough that it can be heard throughout the entire cafeteria. "This attitude of yours is deplorable and will not be tolerated in my school. I'm going to make a call to your parents, but as of right now, I want you to report to room 6.66. Mr Birch will supervise until your parents come to collect you."

Those are words that could send a chill through any Primrose student. Room 6.66 is the detention room, and Mr Birch is somehow always on duty. He's the fiercest and most intimidating of the science teachers. When you were younger, you can easily recall the unfortunate incident involving Mr Birch. To keep a long and emotional story short, let's just say that you'll never see that man as anything else but the one who killed your favourite plush bunny, Winky.

As the girl slinks away and the buzz of cafeteria noise starts to rise around you again, Mr Starrick fixes you with an intense and unnerving stare. And if you weren't already feeling the faintest of shivers down your spine, as he passes, he says, "I'm watching you, Stillman."

Mr Starrick moves away and everyone can breathe again. As the mood returns to normal, Ezio presses in and grips your wrist. "I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to have lunch with you today." His honeyed orbs flicker to the entrance to the cafeteria where the girl was lounging, an expression of sheer boredom on her face. "I have to try talk some sense into my sister."

"Your sister?" Now you felt like an idiot. "That girl's your sister?"

Why did you not notice the similarities before? You look over and the first thing that springs to mind is: rebel. But in a rather enticing way. She pulled it off, which not many people did. You adored the crimson streaks running through her jet black hair, and despite the bangs concealing over half her face, it was still easy to see that she was a pretty girl. She took notice of your stare and flipped the bird.

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