Christmas / Detention?

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I've become more close with Draco, everyone can't believe it. I still can't believe how kind and caring he is with me. But now it was Christmas holidays and Pansy was going back home, so are a few of my other friends that I have made this year, even Harrys going home. We were suppose to stay here but Mum owled him asking if he wanted to come home for Christmas. I still haven't got a letter. I was staying here, Uncle Severus was going to spend Christmas Day with me anyways, so I wont be completely by myself.
"Bye Darcy, see you next year." Harry came over and gave me a hug, which I did not return.
"Bye." He passes me a small box.
"Don't open it till Christmas Day." I took it and thanked him quietly, thats when Draco walked up behind me.
"Potter." He commented in disgust.
"Malfoy." Harry barked back, turning around and leaving with Hermione Granger.

I woke up to Draco waking me up. I looked at my friend, laughing seeing him jumping around my room.
"Draco! Get out this is the girls room! Quick before someone catches you!" I get up and push him out, laughing at his childish behaviour, "I'll be out soon just let me get dressed."
He nodded his head then ran, down into our common room, where Uncle Severus was sitting already. Once I changed into a green jumper and jeans, I put some ugg boots on and walked down to where the two where waiting.
"Merry Christmas Darcy." Uncle Severus, embraced me into a hug, I hug him back.
"Would you look at the presents! It's kinda different us being the only Slytherins here." Draco commented.
"It should be Malfoy, as you are usually all here. Here, your presents open them up." Uncle Severus passes me a few presents, that where both from him and Draco and the one from Harry.
I open them up getting a Slytherin scarf, and a book from Uncle Severus. I got four presents from Draco, which made me feel bad I only got him one.. It was a new quill, chocolate frogs, a cute notebook with the Slytherin crest on the cover, and a cute little stuffed owl. Then I opened the last present from Harry, it was a key and i knew exactly what the key was for.
"What's, the key for?" Draco asked.
"Not sure." And i stuff it into the pocket of my jeans.

That night after dinner I was sitting in my pyjamas, with a fuzzy blanket covering me while looking into the fire. I heard someone sit next to me on the couch, I didn't even bother checking I knew it was Draco.
"Hey, Darcy what are you thinking about?"
"nothing, im about to fall asleep."
"Yeah, its been a long day."

Draco Malfoy POV:
Didn't take long for Darcy to fall asleep, she looked so cute I didn't want to move her. So I got up and grabbed two blankets from the couch chair, putting one over her. I kissed her forehead and whispered good night to her, I went to the  other side of the couch and put the blanket over myself letting sleep take over.

"Mr Malfoy! Get up right this instant." I heard Professor Snape, waking me up from my sleep.
I got up looking up at him, confused as why he woke me up. Did i sleep in? No, we dont have school thats when I heard a small quite moan of someone waking up. I looked down and saw that Darcy had her head resting on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist, with mine wrapped around her shoulders. She kept on sleeping so I carefully moved so she wouldn't waking up. Once I was off the couch I turned around to where the Professor was still standing.
"If I ever see you like that again, I will not hesitate to give you a detention Mr Malfoy." With that he walked out, leaving me standing there stunned and Darcy still sleeping on the couch.

This is a short one, but I didn know how to keep writing this chapter. So I had to make this one short sorry..
Anyways Love you guys hope you enjoy, Ill try to upload as soon as I can.
K xx

What if they Survived [Book One] - COMPLETEDOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora