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I follow Professor Snape while Harry follows Professor McGonagall. None of us has a clue what's going on, or whats going to happen. But please to who ever is creating my story don't make him yell at me!
"Miss Potter, this is Marcus Flint. The Captain and Chaser of the Slytherin Quidditch team."
"Hi, sorry professor but why am I here exactly?" I question my uncle.
"To meet the captain of your team, it is clear that first years are not to join the quidditch team but we are going to make an exception for you, to join. If your parents accept that is and get a broom for yourself."
"Wait you mean I am going be on the team?" I was surprised.
"Yes, tonight Dumbledore will be owling your parents to get permission for you to join the team. Flint can you please take these miss Potter and explain what I discussed with you before."
"Certainly professor." He smiles at him before nodding his head to make me follow him.

I follow Flint all the way to the Quidditch field.
"Wait here." With that I am left alone on the field waiting for something to happen.
I look over to Flint is walking back to us with a box. I see not far behind him also Harry and another student walking to the other side of the pitch with a very similar looking box.
"Ok what do you know about quidditch?"
"Oh I know there are seven players, three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and one seeker." I say proudly, my Dad was the Gryffindor Seeker, i guess Harrys going to be the same.
"Correct anything else?" He questions as he opens up the box.
"Umm, there's four balls, the quaffle, two bludgers, and the golden snitch."
"Yes, so Professor Snape told me about what happened during your flying lesson. And said that you would be the perfect seeker." He looked at me looking very proud about his fellow house mate.
"Oh it was nothing really, I wasn't even supposed to be flying in the first place."
"Well rules are made to be broken sometimes."

Later that day Draco had offered to walk me to class. Which I of course gladly accepted, during our walk I tell him all about becoming Slytherins seeker and what not.
Malfoy and I both walk to Professor Flitwicks class. But the minute we walk into the class, we both burst out laughing.
"Don't you know its rude to laugh at a professor." Hermione glares at us.
"Don't you know its rude to assume what we are laughing about." I glare back at her, two can play at that game.
She huffs back and turns to face the front again. So what if we were laughing at the professor for being really short, she didnt need to comment on it. Malfoy takes my hand and we go sit at one of the tables at the back row.

"One of a wizards most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? Good. Now, uh, dont forget the nice wrist movement we have been practicing and for those who weren't here for the start of lesson, the movement is the swish and flick. Everyone, practice swish and flick. Good, and dont forget to say WingardiumLeviosa. Okay, off you go now."

"WindardiumLevio-saaaaaa" Malfoys feather doesnt move, "Ok your turn." He says looking at me.
"Ok," I pick my wand up and clear my throat, I was just about to say the spell.
"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! Miss Grangers done it! Oh splendid!" I look over to Malfoy and we both roll our eyes.
As I bring my wand up again to say the spell, I drop my wand to hear a massive bomb, I look over to see smoke coming from a gryffindores feather, I hold down the giggle that is in my throat. I look over to Malfoy, who was still waiting for me to try.
"Ok, this time." I pick up my wand from the floor, "WingardiumLeviosa!" And my feather goes up gracefully.
"Hmph, let me try! WindiumLeviosaa" And as mine his flies up into the air.

Ive been at Hogwarts for almost two months now, its Halloween. Draco and I, have pulled and still are going to pull so many pranks on Gryffindor and scared the other houses at every chance we have.

"Hey, Darcy what are you doing here all alone?" I turn around to see Draco standing in the the doorway of the owlery looking at me with sad eyes.
"Huh, oh im just waiting for a letter from Mum and Dad. Harry said he got a letter not so long ago and that I should be getting one soon." I say flipping over the only letter I have gotten from my parents since I've been here.
"Do you mind if I wait with you?"
"No, you can keep me company!" I smile at him trying to hide the sadness in my eyes.
"Hey, whats wrong? You know your eyes are dead give away to your emotions right?" Draco grabs both my shoulders to make me look at him.
"Its nothing, really dont worry about it." I look up to see hes not believing me. "Fine, Mum and Dad have sent Harry so many letters but have only sent me one. Ive sent them so many letters too. Im starting to think they hate me, for being in Slytherin, I always signed the letter for them off with Your Daughter Darcy, but my letter from them was signed Lily and James." I burst out crying dropping my only letter.

Draco Malfoy's P.O.V
It hurt me to see her upset, I would feel the same if my parents didnt send me any letters. I shared the sweets I got from Mother with her, as I saw that Potter got his but Darcy didnt get any. I saw the letter lying on the floor from her parents.
"Darcy? Do you mind if I read your letter?" I ask as I pick it off the ground.
"Its nothing exciting, sure go ahead read it." She was still sniffing from crying and her eyes were swollen too.
I open up the letter and read;

Dear Darcy,
We were so happy when we got your first letter saying you got into Gryffindor. But were so upset when we received Harry's a day later saying you were misplaced and got resorted into Slytherin. We arnt upset being of you being in that house we are just upset we didnt get the news from you first. We have something to tell you, James and I discussed it. We wont tell you while your at school we want you to concentrate for now, we will tell you when you come home for the Christmas Holidays.
I wish you all the best, send lots of letters and we will do the same.

Lily and James Potter

"Darcy?" I look around to see that she is gone.
I sigh to myself and walk to the great hall, for the dinner feast. I just hope thats where Darcy has gone. I get to the doors of the hall and stuff Darcys letter I am still holding into my pocket. I walk in and grunt at Gryffindors table and walk to my table seeing Darcy and Pansy sitting and talking to each other like what happened in the owlery never happened.

What if they Survived [Book One] - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now