👉🏽Chapter 1👈🏽

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It was a beautiful day outside, the sun was shining, the kids was playing,and people was going to work or school, but for poor Rin his day already went awful as he just found out that he is going to be his arch-enemy secretary.

Yes, he did like him secretly but everyone that knew them know that they fight alot and what I mean by that I mean over some stupid stuff too like putting a pencil lid up and eraser down that type of stupid stuff.

I was sitting in the break room bascually drooling on the table as I was sleeping obviously tired, as I slept I felt a presence around me as I heard them scoff and shook me awake.

"Hey Moon, what you think you doing?"No other person other then James ask glaring holes into me

I sat up and gave him the best fake glare I can give to him "Nothing! You idiot"I said standing up and walking past him annoyed that I couldn't take a small nap like I wanted to.

As I walk I saw one of my close friend settling in to his new environment "Rin!"he called as he saw me

"Jake!"I called back excitedly seeing one of my friends here at work, Jake stood up and walk over to me. Jake was the first friend I ever made in highschool he then introduced me to his other friends that I knew till now Leo and Jose those two was my spirit animals.

"Where Jose and Leo since you here?"I ask curious about my other two bestfriend's

"Settling in also"He smirks looking in my eyes causing my eyes to lit up in joy

"Great! I could talk to them about all my men problems"I said dramatically

"What men problem? You single as fuck"Jake said with a smirk causing him to laugh loudly

"Hey! I can get a man I just haven't found the right one yet"I pout as he chuckles at me giving me a yea right look before walking away sometimes he can be a dick but he is a really good friend to have around at times.

"Mr.Moon"My boss called out of his office causing me to tense I just started this job what did I do

"Yes Mr.Tony, sir"I said walking into his office nervously

"You know that you are going to be the secretary to James, Right?"He said as I nod my head "Well, that means I don't want to hear that you disobeyed what he needs alright"Mr.Tony said as he looks at me with a grin "Besides I wouldn't want you getting hurt, Sweetie~"He said

"Don't call me sweetie"I said calmly as he dismissed me out of his office. Not so long James is already working my ass off even though it's my first day exspecially when he keep purposely pouring coffee on the floor for me to clean up. "That some of a-"Before I could say something else Leo interrupted me with his french.

''Mon ami préféré, Qui ne parle que ma langue"Leo spoke in french that slid off his tongue perfectly

I turned towards him excited that he is here but annoyed at the same time also "Leo now is not the time to joke around"I said rolling my eyes as he looks confused

"Oh, Rin, c'est quoi cette attitude de merde?"Leo said once again in french

"English Leo, English"I said still annoyed

"Why? You know what I'm talking about"Leo said confused

"Well people might get suspicious about what you talking about to me"I said standing up after getting done wiping away the coffee stain the 5th time that day

"Is this men trouble?"He ask concerned as he looks at me and I just nod I wanted to choke that some of the bitch so hard and kiss that kissable lips ughhh James got me so confused about my feelings.

"You know you can talk to me or Jose anytime just don't talk to Jake about it he gives horriable advice"Leo said with a chuckle causing me to laugh remembering my mistake in asking Jake for advice on love and him causing me to humiliate myself infront of my crush.

"Yea never again in my life"I chuckles feeling kinda better

"Moon get your ass over here and print these papers and stop talking to your friend over there"James yelled annoyed as he type on his computer causing me to grumble about how annoying he is and how I just want him to bend me over and take- OKAY mind thats enough for the day!!

Rin grabbed the papers quickly and basically ran out of there 'Oh God, what did I almost think!'He screamed in his mind as he was walking he bumped into Jake and Jose.

"Yo, Rin!"Jose said with a grin atleast he's not like Leo and speaking his language which is spanish

"Jose! Jake! You don't believe what that motherfucker had me doing"I yelled obviously talking about James which who I always talk about

"And what does he have you doing?"Jose ask with a smirk

"He been purposely spilling coffee all over the floor so I can clean them and now he got me printing papers"I said annoyed as Jose chuckles and pat my head as I look up at the two tall figures what sucks the most is that I'm the shortest in the office which makes me insecure.

Jake rolls his eyes "Can we talk about stuff other then James?"He ask really annoyed I turned and look at him confused before slowly nodding my head 'What he so annoyed about?'I thought as I went to print the papers as they tagged along

As soon as I know it the day has ended and I can finally go home and lay in my bed and cry at how lonely I am without having a guy at my side and stress eat my heart out before I can even leave Mr.Tony called me into his office "Just great..."I said sarcastically before I left to his office as the others leave including James.

A/N: This is my first story about an love story about Arch-enemies and to me it's going well so far I guess but don't forget to like and comment because it makes me proud of my work, anyway I hope you enjoyed the story so far guys

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A/N: This is my first story about an love story about Arch-enemies and to me it's going well so far I guess but don't forget to like and comment because it makes me proud of my work, anyway I hope you enjoyed the story so far guys. Bye!

Word count: 1101

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Word count: 1101

Arthors name: Rain__Dragneel

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