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Emily Kipp never thought her best friend and boyfriend would hurt her. Not like this.

The signs were there though.

The way Anna always turned red when Nick was around, though Emily thought it was just her friend having a crush on her boyfriend. Then there was the way Nick was always staring at Anna and the way he always asked questions about her.

Or the way he always made an excuse to be excused when Anna left to go to the bathroom or to answer a phone call.

Even though all these signs were there she still couldn't believe what was in front of her. She was frozen to her spot as she watched her boyfriend of 2 years and her best friend of 10 having sex.

She stood there watching as tears streamed steadily down her face.

She must've made a sound because Anna looked up and froze before she started tapping Nick and telling him to put her down. He looked confused until it seemed to dawn on him to look up and when he did his eyes widened.

He didn't just put Anna down, he pushed her away.

"Baby it's not what it looks like." Nick stated.

Chuckling sarcastically Emily muttered, "Not what it looks like."

"Please baby, I can explain." Nick said in a pleading voice, moving toward her only to trip from his pants that were tangled around his feet.

"There's nothing to explain Nick. I think I know what I saw." Emily said her voice coming out in a rough sound. "And what I saw was the two people who I thought I could trust are fucking behind my back."

"Emily." Anna sniffled out tears filling her eyes and spilling over.

"I thought we were friends Anna? Sisters from another mother?"

"Please Emily.. Im sorry."

"Yeah you are sorry and so is Nick." shaking her head Emily muttered out, "It's over. Our friendship is over." looking at Nick who was just now getting up she finished saying what she had to say. "And our relationship is over. I want both of you to stay the hell away from me."

Emily then turned and walked out of the locker room, more tears falling down her face and a pain in her chest.

Alex. She needed Alex, he was the only one who would understand what she was going through. The only one who could make the pain go away.

After getting in her ford 2000 light blue jeep she drove toward Alex's apartment. As soon as she pulled into the parking lot to Riverley apartment complexes she parked before getting out and making her way inside, taking the stairs she made it to room 407 in record timing.

She knocked a couple times before trying the handle and the door opened. She walked in and started hollering his name. When he still didn't answer she walked rest the way in, shutting the door behind her. Suddenly she heard a noise. It sounded like it was coming from his room, not thinking about whether he had a guest she rushed down the small hallway, slamming his door open only to freeze for the second time that day.

Alex had a curly brown haired girl on her knees between his legs, one hand tangled in her hair the other on the bed.


lex raised his head, his dark hair mussed, his steel gray eyes staring at her with shock.

"S-sorry, I'll go." Emily mumbled, tearstained face flushing a light pink.

Before she could leave, Alex had pushed the brown haired girl out from between his legs, pulled his pants up and leaving the button undone made his way to Emily, pulling her into his bare chest.

"Love what is it? Was it that little motherfucker, did he hurt you?" sniffling Emily nodded, "I'll fucking kill him!"

Alex growled starting to move back only for her to grab him. "Please, don't I need you."

"What'd he do love?"

"H-he cheated on me with .. with Anna."



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