Chapter 2

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"Who the hell are you?" Keith Shadis yelled at the trainees.

It had been two years, two years since you had witnessed your mother die. You had basically closed off all emotion, only showing it to Eren, Mikasa, or Armin.

He went down the line, asking the soldiers who they were and why they wanted to join the army. He avoided the ones with the stern looks that signaled that they had seen the horrors of the titans firsthand.

You watched as he stopped at many soldiers, Armin included. You wanted to yell at the kids who wanted to join the Military Police, so they could escape the titans.

He then stopped at a girl who was eating a potato. Sasha was her name. She offered Shadis half, and he told her to run until she was almost dead. She was more upset when he told her she would be skipping meals.

"Tomorrow you will start your aptitude testing," Shadis yelled, "I expect all of you ready at dawn! Dismissed!"

You headed towards the cabin you were sharing with all of the other girls. You met up with Mikasa as you walked.

She offered you the top bunk, which you accepted. Soon the bell rang signaling that dinner was ready.

"So, you saw the titans?" Some kid asked. Eren and you were surrounded by other trainees asking about all the titans.

"What about the Colossal titan?" Another asked. Everyone went quiet, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, we saw it," Eren answered.

"How big was it?"

"I heard it could step over the wall!"

"I heard that too!"

"It was big but not that big, it could clearly see over the wall, though," Eren answered again.

A couple of kids gasped.

"What did it look like?"

"It had no skin, only it's muscles showed," you answered flatly.

"What about the Armored Titan? The one that broke Wall Maria?"

"Is that what their calling it?" Eren scoffed, "In all the madness it looked like a normal titan."

"So what are normal titans like?"

You held your breath, the memory coming back to you. Eren did the same.

"Let's leave them be guys."

"No, the titans aren't that big of a deal," Eren said as he snapped back into reality, "Once we master the omni-directional maneuver gear, titans will be a piece of cake, then I can join the Scout Regiment, and kill all of them."

"Signing up for the Scouts is like a death sentence," Jean Kirstien said from the table next to yours.

"Guess we'll see, or at least Eren and I will," you said, your voice still flat, "While you're cowering in the interior."

"Look, I'm just being honest, unlike some loud mouthed kids who are just as scared as the rest of us," Jean smirked. Eren got to his feet.

"Are you talking about us?" Eren questioned.

"Eren, sit down," you warned.

Jean stood up and Eren and him had a stare down, that was interrupted by the bell.

"Hey, I apologize, let's be friends," Jean held out his hand for Eren.

"Yeah, I'm sorry too," Eren smacked Jean hand away.

Eren left the hall with Mikasa following close behind while you left with Armin.

"___, you might want to pull back your hair, just so it's out of your face," Armin suggested.

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