Chapter 2 "The magic word"

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     They came over to where we were sitting and Anna, as her usual self, was wearing a huge smile on her face which was red as a tomato and held a coke in her hand, she sat next to me and thanked him. I lookedover at Zayn as he takes his seat back next to mine,

"So I guess your friend over there was right about you", I said, stealing a look at the curly haired guy. He smiled, "Harry", he nodded at me, "That's what they call me anyway", he explained.

"Well, Harry, he IS good with kids", I chuckled.

I just sat there for a couple more minutes, talking to my sister, until they finally called for our flight. "Finally!", My sister jumped out of her seat, "Let's go, let's go, let's go", she yelled, jumping infront of me, urging me to move faster. I laughed and calmed her down, "Jesus, chill .. Let's go".

Zayn looked at me as I stood up and picked up my bag, ready to tell them goodbye, "Looks like you're gonna be stuck with me for a few more hours, Anna", he smiled, standing up as well. "Oh", I exclaimed, "You're on this flight too?", He simply nods.

"Cool, let's go", Anna said with a toothy grin making me giggle at her silliness, Zayn got a little close to me and whispered in my ear, "Coke!", I turned around a bit confused, "huh?", He chuckled and explained, still keeping his voice down, "It's the magic word, you're welcome", he smiled and walked ahead. I laughed seconds later, understanding what he meant.

     We got on the plane, all seated and ready to go. Me and Anna were sitting in the middle of the plane, Anna next to the window, me in the middle and then an empty chair next to the aisle, 5 minutes after the plane took off, I took my seat belt off and sunk in my seat, desperately trying to find a comfortable position, I pulled out my phone and headphones, ready to rest, thinking to myself, 'This is gonna be the longest 10 hours of my life.'


    I laid my head back listening to my music, I looked over at Anna and saw her eyes glued to her PSP. I stole a quick look out of the window, admiring the view when I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning around, I saw Zayn bending over with a smile on his face, "Is someone sitting here?", he nervously asked, pointing at the seat next to mine, I smiled and shook my head. He sat down and sighed, "Sorry, the boys fell asleep right away, had no one to talk to".

"No, it's ok", I replid. He looked over with a little frown, "Oh, I'm not disturbing, am I? Do you want to get some sleep?", I shook my head, "No, I'm not really sleepy, I might be in a little while though", I said with a cheesy grin. "Well", he said, "Just tell me to leave when you're sick of me", He laughed and looked at the ground. "Noted", I teased him.

"She's really into her PSP, ha?", he asked, looking at Anna.

"Yeah", I nodded, "Something to pass the time."

"I don't blame her", he snorted, "So you guys are from London?"

"Nope, Manchester .. Since I started university, I don't see my family much so I usually take her for a vacation in the summer to spend time with her, she's my only sister", I looked at Anna and explained, "What about you? you guys seem like close friends".

"Yeah!", he trailed off, "I actually went to school with two of them, Harry and Niall".

"Oh that's cool", I responded, "I only met Harry though".

"Well .. maybe we'll get to hang out sometime and I can interduce you to all of them?", he said with a question kind of tone and a hopeful smile on his face. "Sure! I'd love that", I said with a smile.

We spent the next two hours talking about random things and then I accidently let out a little yawn. "Tired already?", he asked.

"Kind of", I shrugged, "Might just rest my eyes for a while", I closed my eyes for a few seconds, feeling myself falling into a deep sleep.


After a few hours of sleep, which seemed like only about 5 minutes, I opened my eyes and stretched my hands, I found myself resting my head on someone's shoulder, I looked up and suddenly found my face inches away from Zayn's.

He smiled at me and whispered, "Hello, sleeping beauty", Now that's embarrassing, I immediately lift my head, and babbled in a rush, "I'm really really sorry, I must have fell alseep and god knows how I ended up doing that, I'm so so sor-", he cut me off with a whisper/yell, "relax, relax, it's fine, I didn't mind it", and gave a quite giggle, not wanting to bother the rest of the passengers, most of them were probably asleep since the lights were turned off,

"Well, I'm really sorry, that must have been really awkward and uncomfortable for you".

"Not really", he said with his smile staying still on his face, "You're cute when you're asleep",

"And not cute when I'm awake?", I raied my eyebrows and teased. "Well .....", he trailed off making me gasp, he started laughing and admittred that he was kidding. I looked over at Anna and she's in a deep sleep

"You're both really close, aren't you?", I nodded and smiled, "She's a babe", he added, I nodded yet again. We started talking for a couple of more hours when it was announced that it's just minutes away before we land.

"I'd better get going, the guys are probably wondering where I am, these .....", he said, taking out a pen and paper from his pocket, "are a couple of digits that you can diall into your phone and call, somehow, I'll be the one to answer", he giggled, handing me the paper. "Thank you, sir .. You could have just said that's my number though, you know?", I teased, "I'll hopefully see you when we land", he laughed, ignoring my silly comment, and started walking back to his seat.

For some reason, I felt butterflies all over my stomach right after he left, I mean, he's really really handsome, I might actually like this guy a little bit.

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