Mahatma Gandhi

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        The first time I met Bapu, I strolled into the room and felt an instant sense of belonging and devotion. Approaching me with gleaming eyes he said that I shall be his daughter. I remember feeling a great happiness and a craving for all of his knowledge.   

            His wife, grandnieces, and I have all had opportunities to see the many colors of his character. Despite being a reserved man, he was welcoming to those in need, and for the better part of his life, his nation needed him most. Utilizing his faith and leadership, he spread ahimsa throughout the country. He never had a desire for dominance; this made him a perfect leader. How could a man, who was so Christ-like that he sacrificed his life for the liberation of his people, not inspire you?

            For thirty years I lived with Bapu, and when he was not stopping riots or boycotting British goods, he sat beside me, spinning clothing and coaching me towards the path of truth. With only a few belongings, he was richer than anyone I knew.

            Gandhi was not without flaws. His greatest imperfection was his stubbornness. Making use of this flaw, he turned it into one of his best weapons.  No matter how many times he was trampled to the ground, he continually got back on his feet, and he would never allow someone to force him to live in a certain manner. Bapu believed in what he wanted to and would not let anyone change that. This trait made him stronger than any of his opponents.

            He shall forever be with us, and, although we should not cling to man of Gandhi, we should hold on to his mission to make the world a better place.

Mahatma Gandhi, you will never be forgotten.

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