Chapter 6 - EDITING

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©️ Emrys Noah 2018


"Betilla!" Lance yelled my name with his megaphone voice. I groaned as I rubbed sleep away from my eyes. I stayed up all night to put all the book reports into slides and I was happy with the results. I settled on writing the last one because I realised I couldn't count on Archer. 

The revelation

After Bella woke up, her daughter started ageing fast. Her name was Renesme. Then the volterian wanted a war between the Cullen's and them to extinct the half immortal and mortal. Which was their daughter. Alice showed Aro a vision of them fighting and him losing his life. So they backed off. Then, in the end, Jacob found his mate who was Renesme.

I was no doubt late for school and I hadn't ironed my shirt. I always wore shirts whenever I was presenting. I settled for a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I grabbed my backpack that held my books and laptop and dashed out of the house into the car. Benedict was already waiting. "Sorry, I woke up late," I said before he released the boiling ball he had inside him. "We're late for homeroom." He said as he left the driveway. 

I hadn't seen Lance since he dropped me off at the library so I went to his locker first thing before my music practice. He was surrounded by some girls and I frowned at that so I turned around to go to my practice but I could feel his eyes on me. Or at least what I felt was his eyes. I turned back to see if he was the one actually staring. He wasn't. I looked around to see who and my eye met a hooded figure. His posture was angled towards me. I felt drawn to him and he tilted his head as if he were studying me. The sound of the bell brought me back to reality. I was more than late for music practice and also, I had English second period. 

I walked into the English class and he was already there. I rushed to where he sat and took a seat next to him. "Archer, where's the last report?" I asked him even though I already did it. He shrugged and didn't even glance at me. I wondered what expression he had on. I couldn't see his face because of the hood he had on, as always. I sighed as I brought out my laptop from my bag and opened Slides. 

I pushed it to him and he chuckled, "You don't trust me. That's good cause I didn't do it." I didn't bother to respond. We listened to a couple of presentations before ours and then we got called up. I stood up first and Archer followed suit. He had to look down on me, showing how tall he really was. 

Betilla's pov

The next day , we were gonna present it we were not even done with it.

After I told my bro everything, we had a brother sister moment which was eating ice cream and watching WRESTLEMANIA.

Yeah, I love wrestling .

Today I was looking for Archer , I found him in the library.

He sure love books.

Back to the point, I was gonna talk to him about the project and agree on a way to present.

I walked up to him and said


"Look , I'm sorry of what I said yesterday, I was just stressed out and I vented out my anger on you. I'm sorry." He said

And of course he was wearing a hood so I couldn't see if he truly meant it.

No ,let's just agree on something." I said.

"Why don't we just we just write it out on a  paper and design it. I know it's simple but it's just like the combination of a PowerPoint and reading it out." He suggested.

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