⊳ 𝐢. Toni Was Bored...

Start from the beginning

          "Only a little," she teased back with him rather than tell him off, knowing that he would just get mad and her whole night could be ruined and her parents could wake up by his yelling. So, she flirted and led him inside as they kissed more.

          And suddenly, she wasn't so bored anymore.

          If there was one thing that Toni never looked forward to, it was the return of school. Unsurprisingly, school was not Toni's favorite thing nor would it ever be. She didn't like her classes or the people in her grade very much, hated homework more than anything else in the whole wide world, and had never been the best test taker.

          But she did like her school. It was good and prestigious, not public at all, and everyone there had to have some part of genius in them, especially her best friend Sabrina Montgomery.

          Walking through the hallway, Toni kept her head held high as she came to the sophomore hallway with all their lockers. Already there was Sabrina, who was leaning against some of them while staring at her phone. Immediately, Toni smiled when she saw her friend.

          "Hey, stranger," she greeted her friend, leaning against the lockers which didn't belong to her. Those who they did belong to could suck it for all she cared.

          Sabrina looked up from her phone and immediately brightened at the sight of her friend. "Toni!" the girl cheered, pulling her into a hug, "Ugh, I missed you so much!"

          Toni laughed as they pulled apart. "You saw me, like, two days ago," she reminded her.

          "Yeah, well, it's been a long two days, alright?" Sabrina defended herself, "And now I get to see you at least five days a week for a whole year – isn't it a wonderful?"

          "The best," Toni agreed, a teasing tone in her voice that wasn't sincere. She loved her friend, Sabrina was quite possibly the greatest thing to ever happen her, she just liked to tease her friend.

          Sabrina rolled her eyes and lightly hit the girl's shoulder. "Shut up, you love me," and it was true; Toni did.

          Still, the thought of having to actually go to school every day make her sick. She wasn't the smartest person there that belonged to either Sabrina, Liz Allan, or Peter Parker and she didn't like to do her work either. There was no reason to go above and beyond (or to actually meet the requirements of her classes) when she was going to be handed so much money when she turned twenty-one. At least, that's what she thought.

          "Oh, by the way, I told Eden," Toni couldn't keep the disgust out of her voice as she said her mother's name, not even daring to ever call her mom now, "that I'm going over to your place after school."

          Sabrina hummed and raised an eyebrow, "Are you actually coming over or is this a cover to go drinking with Atlas?"

          At the mention of Atlas, Sabrina made a small face. While Toni was friends with Atlas Wilder and his gang of stoners, Sabrina was not. Unlike her, Sabrina wasn't an alcoholic or druggie – in fact, Sabrina never did those things. However, Toni still liked them, and they were a good group to get high with.

          The best thing about Atlas, though, had to be his ignorance at Caden and Finn's existence. Caden would infect Atlas like a poison and anyone who knew Finn (other than Finn) was as good as dead in her book.

          "Hanging out with Atlas," at the look Sabrina gave her, Toni felt the need to explain herself, "What? I haven't seen in like a week!"

          "But you could be hanging out with me instead," Sabrina whined and Toni gave her a smile because her friend was adorable and how could she not?

          "How about this; we'll hang out tomorrow because I already told Atlas that I was done to go to Nix' with him after school. Alright?" Toni proposed.

          Sabrina sighed before begrudgingly nodding. "I guess that's alright, but I expect to be treated to pizza or something tomorrow night."

          "Anything you want," Toni promised, having no problem with paying for dinner. It wasn't like she was short on cash or anything, so what did it matter? Her mother never looked at the bank account and her father wouldn't care if a bit of money was spent. He never cared unless she spent too much money splurging on Gucci or something.

          "Good," Sabrina smiled at her before looking at around and saying, "Man, isn't it weird that we're sophomores now? Like, I remember coming her last year and being so fucking scared cause I didn't know anyone or where anything was."

          "And now we know where everything is and who everyone is," Toni finished off, "And I, for one, and am extremely happy that we are done with Miss Kim's class and that I never have to see her face ever again in a classroom."

          "Ugh, same," Toni agreed, "She was the worst. Like, if your short was just a little shorter than what dress code says, she'd give you detention without hesitation. And her tests...God, they were way too hard."

          "Says the girl who always aced them," Toni snorted, shaking her head.

          Sabrina frowned, "Just because I did good on them doesn't mean I still didn't think they were hard as fuck and that her class majorly sucked."

          "Can't argue with that," Toni shrugged, "But I can't wait to see all the new hot guys. Well, at least I hope that there's new hot guys."

          "Shit!" Sabrina cursed, eyes sparking as if she had just remembered something, "Fuck, I gotta get to the office."

          Toni frowned at her friend who was beginning to walk away. Of course, she followed. "Why? What's going on?"

          "I forget that I'm showing around a new student!" Sabrina explained.

          "You are? But doesn't Liz always show around the new students?" Toni asked.

          Sabrina nodded, "Usually, but at the end of last year she asked me if I could do it instead since this is her last year and she needs someone to take over her mantle."

          "And she chose you?" Toni asked before correcting herself, "Sorry, that sounds rude. I just – I didn't expect her to already know who she wants to be her replacement."

          "Believe me, I know, but one look at her and I couldn't help but say yes," Sabrina said, "She can make God bend to her will if she wanted."

          "Well, you're not wrong," Toni shrugged as they turned a corner, "She tell you who you're showing around?"

          "I don't think so? At least, I don't remember," Sabrina said after a moment of thinking, "I think it's only one guy and she's taking the rest. You know, just to help me get an idea of what it's like and everything."

          "Yeah, of course," Toni said, though she didn't understand at all. But it's whatever. She was used to that with Sabrina when the girl talked about some of her more advanced classes that Toni wasn't in.

          They reached the front office and Sabrina went in to show the student around. Knowing that it would take Sabrina's full attention, Toni didn't follow her in and instead staying in the lobby area right outside the office. Peering in, she froze for a second as she caught a glimpse at who Sabrina was going to be showing around.

          Shit, she thought, Harry Osborn looked hotter in person – fuck.

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