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Jeremy's POV

It's hard living this way. Knowing that around every corner could be another black and white figure who could push you up against the wall and beat you up or yell something at you or just make you jump all together.

This has never happened before.

But for me, it's impossible for me to know that it won't happen because I live in a constant state of fear and anxiety. I have never felt secure or safe in my life, hence why I still don't see color. See, I have never had a traumatizing experience to have caused this fear, no life or death situation, no. I was simply just born like this. In this fucked up world, you are born with a negative emotion and that's the only emotion you are allowed to feel. And you won't feel anything else until somebody can make you feel the opposite of that emotion. But so far, my anxiety is making it so I don't make any kinds of new friends. And it's been this way my whole life.

My parents have tried to make me feel safe. My dad has tucked me up tightly into my bed and sat next o me till I fell asleep, but nowadays that's just procedure so that I actually get sleep. I have never felt truly safe ever. I'm always looking around or checking for trouble.

And in the meantime, while we are being flooded with a concentrated amount of one emotion, we cannot see any colors. Just shades of black and tones of white. Grays all around me. And of corse, I wont see color until I feel other emotions. And I won't feel other emotions until I can conquer this one.


There are so many people in this school who still haven't conquered their emotions either.

People who hate the world and what they stand on. People who are just angry for no reason. People who are filled to the brim with revenge to anything, and people who are so egotistical it hurts.

Girls filled with lust,

Boys filled with sloth and gluttony.

And all it takes is somebody to show them a little bit of the opposite emotion and BOOM. Their lives fill with positivity and wonder.

But I still have not found security. And I'm starting to believe I never will...

Until I met Michael.

He was one of the ones still stuck on hatred. He hated the world, there was nobody Michael couldn't find something to hate about. He hated the popular people, and hated society for causing the sections of tiers of popularity. He hated the way society worked all together. He hated the way he couldn't see color and he HATED that I feared him.

So he approached me. Softly. Quietly. And nicely.

And I didn't panic.

Michel, sure he hated the world, but he was a guy who could listen. And I was a guy who could talk and ramble the ears off of somebody. So naturally, Michael would sit quietly and hate everything and everyone that ever scared me. Witch was everything. Not really a difference there.

And of corse I rambled about the things that always caused me panic attacks and other issues. And how I wish I could see color.

Michael finally would speak about how he hated that he couldn't see color and how he hated that the world was like this.

It was so sad to see somebody so full of hatred to the world, but that was just how Michael was. He hated things. A whole lot of things but for some reason...

He didn't hate me.

Only the things that seemed to scare me.

Michael scared me for a while, but soon I found myself beginning to trust him more. And I wasn't so scared of him.

There's a piece of society I haven't told you yet. I thought if I had said this first, it wouldn't be as fun, you would guess it then it would ruin the story for you.

Another thing about this colors society is that it's much easier for you to feel the opposite emotion when you're around a person that you're romantically attracted to.

But of corse, you don't know you're romantically attracted to them, why? Because I can't feel love until I feel secure. And I still haven't felt secure.

That is, until I had a run in with a person filled with revenge, and let me tell you, they can be scary. I know things scare me before, but this? This is scary.

As I was walking down the halls thinking of Michael I bumpedinto a revengeful person and they flipped around and tried to kick me.

They almost did too, but Michael stepped in. He pushed the other down and gave him the most hateful glare I'd ever seen. A cold hard mean glare that would hit the soul.

The other left with a growl and he turned to me with a softer gaze. And then I see it. A small smile form on his lips. He carefully picks me up and hugs me.

I hold onto him like my life depends on it and I hear him whisper.

"I hated a lot of things, but I never could find anything to hate about you."

And then my whole world shifted as the first thing I saw was the beautiful bright red of Michaels jacket.

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