Happy Times

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(An alarm clock goes off. It blares 4 more times before a hand with purple-painted nails hits the snooze button: it's Liz.
We cut to about 30 minutes later: she is dressed for work and is seen making a peanut butter and jelly banana sandwich, but not for herself. We see an empty bowl, a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the sandwich, and a handwritten note.)

LIZ'S NOTE: "Good morning Joe! Lunch is in the fridge and I'll bring home leftovers from my date tonight!"

(Liz grabs her backpack and a Hot Pocket from the microwave and walks out the door. She locks it, but she slows down as she starts to hear a bit of ruckus: The Perez's. A middle-aged couple that refuses to go a week without fighting. Their names are Carlo and Elise.)

ELISE: (screaming through the walls) "See! If you didn't spend all our damn retirement money on gambling night, we would be able to support having kids!"

CARLO: "Oh yeah? Well I pity any kid that has you as a mother!"

LIZ: (whispering to herself) "Really? It's only 11 AM..."

(She leaves the apartment complex and we cut straight to Liz working at the theater's snack bar, helping out an unusual customer

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(She leaves the apartment complex and we cut straight to Liz working at the theater's snack bar, helping out an unusual customer.)

CUSTOMER: "So you're telling me that I have to pay for the pretzel AND the popcorn? I swear I thought I saw a meal for like $8.99!"

LIZ: "Sir, we don't even sell pretzels."


(Cut to about 5 hours later.
Liz's shift at the theater is over, so she snags a bag of popcorn and sits down at a table by herself.
She grabs her phone out of her pocket and starts to scroll around social media when she sees a video of Spider-Man saving a cat out of a tree, then playfully waving to the camera before swinging off.
Liz smiles to herself.)

LIZ: (to herself) "That's my Spidey..."

("Ready To Go" by Panic! At The Disco starts to play as we catch up with Peter Parker exiting an alleyway after changing out of his Spider-Man suit.
He walks a couple blocks and walks into a movie theater to find Liz sitting alone at a table.)

PETER: "Hey!"

PETER: "Hey!"

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LIZ: "Hi!"

PETER: "Ooooooo, I like popcorn."

LIZ: "I know..." (she tosses a kernel at him and he catches it perfectly with his mouth.) "Not a bad catch for your typical teenager...so where to?"

PETER: "Oh yeah, about that..."

(Cut to Peter holding Liz and a picnic basket as he swings through New York until settling on a ledge of a very tall building. We see them eating strawberries and pizza as they count planes passing by.)

(We then go through a montage of:Liz and Peter getting an A on their English Project,Peter correctly answering questions from Professor Banner's class,Liz going about her typical day with a skip in her step,Spider-Man spoiling a bank robbery,and P...

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(We then go through a montage of:
Liz and Peter getting an A on their English Project,
Peter correctly answering questions from Professor Banner's class,
Liz going about her typical day with a skip in her step,
Spider-Man spoiling a bank robbery,
and Peter turning in photos for Mr. Jameson.)

JAMESON: "I like what I see so far...hiring you was definitely a smart move on my part."

PETER: "I agree, sir. So is $120 a decent price?"

(We catch up with Peter walking down the street with $120 in cash in his hands. Peter ends up grabbing some flowers and 2 boxes of pizza for his weekly date with Aunt May.)

(Peter walks into Aunt May's apartment complex and sees one of May's neighbors walking in the opposite direction to get mail.)

PETER: "Oh, hey Ms. Burkowitz!"

MS. BURKOWITZ: "Nice to see you today, Peter!"

(Peter continues walking, reaches May's door, and knocks three times. He waits 5 seconds...)

PETER: "Hey May! I have pizza!"

(He knocks three more times. No response.)

PETER: "May! I have a key, so I'm coming in!"

(Peter grabs a key from his pocket and enters May's apartment.)

PETER: "May, you home? Aunt May?"

(He sets his stuff down and looks around

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(He sets his stuff down and looks around.)

PETER: "You haven't been returning any of my calls...something wrong?"

(He looks at the kitchen table and finds Aunt May's cellphone sitting there: 4 voicemails from Peter.

Peter grabs her phone and runs out of the apartment. He finds Ms. Burkowitz and stops running.)

PETER: "Hey Ms. Burkowitz, you wouldn't happen to know where my Aunt May is, wouldn't you?"

MS. BURKOWITZ: "Oh, well she looked fairly I'll last time I saw her. You might wanna check the-"

PETER: "-hospital! Got it." (He starts to run down the hall before stopping for a second) "Have a nice day, Ms. Burkowitz!"

MS. BURKOWITZ: "You as well, Peter!"

(Peter continues to run.)

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