"So, I'm guessing you know about Barry's secret." Joe questioned.

"Yes, I know about Barry being the Flash." I replied.

"Really, how are you doing trying to keep up with Barry?" Joe asked.

"Its easy really." I replied.

"How is it possibly easy?" He asked.

"Well, its more of an issue can he keep up with me." I replied.

"Are you saying that you're the Flashette?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." I replied laughing a bit.

Joe, Iris, Barry and I talked for a bit before a question I dreaded came up.

"So, how long have you and Barry been together?" Iris asked enthusiastically.

"Three months, Twelve days, Seventeen hours and," Barry paused briefly to look at his watch "Twenty three minutes."

"There is no way you have been keeping track of all that time Barry." Iris exclaimed.

"Well of course I kept track of that time. I love Ella and every moment I spend with her is precious to me." Barry replied.

"Wow Ella, you're lucky to have someone like Barry." Iris complimented.

"Thank you." I replied quietly as a light blush rose to my cheeks.

"She's right Ella, you are lucky. He can sing good as well." Kara cut in.

Iris, Joe, and I looked at Barry in surprised.

"You can sing?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah." He replied.

"I wish I could've heard you. You'll have to sing for me sometime Barry." I explained.

"I'd be happy to Ella." Barry replied.

I looked over to see Cisco and Caitlin standing a few feet away and remembered about their idea to get my voice back.

"Hey Barry?" I asked.

"Yes Ella?" He replied.

"I'm going to get my transmitters batteries exchanged and head home. Will you be alright?" I explained.

"Yeah, see you later Blueberry." Barry replied.

"See you later StrawBarry." I returned giggling.

I walked out of the medical bay and into the cortex. Cisco and Caitlin spoke to Barry and Kara for a bit before joining me.

"Are you ready?" Caitlin asked.

I nodded in return as I took off my transmitters. Caitlin got a syringe full of a blue liquid ready and held it up to show it to me.

"This had nanobots that Cisco and I built. We'll need to inject it into your system okay?" Caitlin explained.

I put my transmitters back on quickly.

"It won't hurt will it?" I asked.

"It will hurt a bit. Do you want me to go get Barry?" Caitlin offered.

"No, I want to surprise him. Just try to be as quick and painless as you can please?" I asked.

"I will now take off your transmitters." Caitlin replied.

I did as she asked as she prepped an area near my neck. I held my hair back for her.

"Ready?" Caitlin asked.

I nodded as I looked away from the needle.

"Okay. One, Two, Three." Caitlin counted injecting the liquid on three.

I winced a bit as the needle pierced my skin. Caitlin pulled the needle out and cleaned up the area that had already healed.

"All done, did it work?" Caitlin asked.

"I-I think so." I replied in a whisper "I'm going to head home. See you later."

I ran out of Star Labs to my apartment. As I got home I heard something make a noise in my apartment. Carefully I unlocked the door and saw Barry standing in front of me in the middle of my living room.

"Hi Ella." Barry greeted.

I gave him a look that said 'What are you doing here?'.

"I left shortly after you did and took a few shortcuts because I wanted to do this." Barry continued.

Barry pulled out his phone and started a song before setting it down on the coffee table beside him. As the intro for the song ended he began to sing.

"Can't say how the days will unfold." He sung crossing the room over to me "Can't change what the future may hold. But I want you in it."

Barry held my hand as he began to dance with me.

"Every hour, every minute." He continued interlacing our fingers together "This world can race by far to fast. Hard to see when its all flying past. But its clear now. When you're standing here now. I am meant to be wherever you are next to me. 'Cause all I wanna do, is come running home to you, come running home to you. And all my life I promise to. Keep running home to you, keep running home to you."

Barry spun me around a few times before continuing to sing.

"And I could see it, right from the start, right from the start. That you would be, be my light in the dark, light in the dark." Barry sang sitting me down at my bay window "Oh you gave me no other choice but to love you."

Barry then stood up and retrieved a small black box from his pocket. I held my hands over my mouth letting out a small gasp.

"Can't say how the days will unfold. Can't change what the future may hold." Barry sung getting down on one knee "I want you in it. Every hour every minute."

The song ended and Barry looked me straight in the eye.

"Ella Angeline, you have made me genuinely happier ever since you woke up twenty-one months after I did. I knew that you would be a part of my life. Which is why I am ready to ask you the most important question I will ever ask." Barry explained.

He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.

"Ella Angeline, will you do me the extrodinary honor of letting me become your husband?" He asked.

I nodded my head yes excitedly.

"Yes, yes, yes! A million times yes!" I replied out loud.

He slipped the ring onto my left hand before suddenly stopping in a moment of realization.

"You talked!" He exclaimed.

"I did!" I replied happily.

"But how?" I literally saw you two minutes ago." He asked confused.

"Caitlin and Cisco worked together to find a way to get my voice back." I explained.

"You do know what this means right?" Barry asked.

"What?" I asked.

"Since I sang for you I would love to hear you sing sometime." Barry explained.

"No! I has terrible voice!" I replied.

"Ella, you can't be that bad." He replied.

We continued to talk for a bit before deciding to turn on a movie. We had only gotten halfway through the movie when I was about to drift off to sleep in Barry's arms.

"Ella?" Barry asked.

I hummed in response.

"I love you, Blueberry." He replied.

"I love you too, StrawBarry." I responded.

"Goodnight Fiance." He said.

"Goodnight Fiance." I replied.

The Flashetteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें