Chapter 15

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A couple months later we defeated zoom. All was peaceful in Central City. That is until this morning.

I woke up late the next morning to my phone ringing on the bedside table beside me. Groggily I picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" I greeted, my voice from the modulator sounded tired to match my mood.

"Hi Ella, its Barry. Did you sleep alright? You sound tired." Barry replied with a note of concern in his voice.

"Well, I was, you woke me up." I replied.

"I'm sorry Blueberry." Barry apologized.

I could hear Caitlin and Cisco in the background trying to ask Barry about my nickname.

"Its alright Barr, I needed to wake up anyhow. It is almost 10:30." I replied "So, why'd you call?"

"Right could you come down to Star Labs?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'll be down there in a minute." I replied.

"Thank you see you in a bit Ella." He thanked.

"You're welcome see ya in a bit Barry." I replied.

I heard Cisco groan with annoyance in the background. Barry snickered.

"I'm on speaker, aren't I?" I asked.

"Yes. You should see Cisco's face right now. It's hilarious!" He replied laughing.

"See you in a bit Barry." I replied.

"See you in a bit." He replied.

The call ended and I immediately rushed to my closet and picked out my over sized purple sweater, leggings, and combat boots to match. After doing my hair in curls and applying a little bit of make-up I rushed out the door to Star Labs.

I stopped just outside the cortex and peered in to see Barry's back turned to me. I jumped onto him in a piggy back formation making him jump.

"Got you!" I greeted.

"Okay, what is going on with you two ?" Cisco asked curiously as Barry ran around with me on his back.

I got off of Barry and tried to find a possible way to tell Cisco about Barry and I.

"You see Cisco, Barry and I...we....." I tried to explain failing to find the right words.

I looked over to Barry for help.

"We have been seeing each other." Barry finished.

"Ooh, so like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Cisco asked giddily.

I looked down at the floor blushing as Barry wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"You could say that. WE haven't made it official though." Barry replied.

As Cisco jumped up and down excitedly I heard a breach open and saw someone step though it.

"Help!" the man exclaimed.

I saw Barry look over to the woman who the man was carrying and immediately a worried look spread across his face.

"What happened to Kara?" Barry asked.

"Some guy who calls himself the Music Meister knocked her out. We can't wake her up." The man replied.

As the man mentioned the name "Music Meister" another man magically appeared in the cortex.

"Who are you?" Barry asked him.

"That's the man who knocked out Kara." The man holding Kara replied.

"What do you want?" Barry asked.

"I just want to 'Put a little love in your heart'." He replied.

Barry then collapsed into the same deep sleep as Kara. Panicking I immediately went to Barry's side.

"Barry!" I shouted "Barry wake up!"

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