Chapter 8

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Barry phased into my cell. I inched away from him hesitantly as he walked toward me.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you." Barry assured.

I let him unlatch the mask around my head. As he took it off my messy, blood-stained, blue hair fell down framing my face. My cuts and scrapes on my face were now clearly visible.

"E-Ella?" Barry asked.

I nodded as I tried to stand up but, immediately collapsed. Luckily Barry caught me before I hit the ground.

'Must've broken a bone or two.' I thought.

"Here let me help you." Barry offered.

He picked me up with one arm under my neck and knees and ran of to the same spot he had brought the others. AS we got there we saw Cisco, someone who looked like Dr. Wells, and Killer Frost.

"Jesse!" Dr. Wells greeted.

I then knew that that was Jesse's father. Cisco and Caitlin ran up to Barry and I with worried and excited looks on their faces.

"Ella! Are you okay?' Cisco greeted.

"Besides feeling like I was sliced in half by a light saber, yeah I'm fine." I replied, my voice sounded worse than how I looked.

I heard Barry chuckle as Caitlin examined my words.

"We'll get you fixed up when we get back to Star Labs." Caitlin explained.

"Thank you Caitlin." I replied.

Cisco opened a breach and the whole group walked through.

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