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"Bitch, just wear what you want to wear. Im hanging up now. It's too early for this," Yuta's groggy voice echoed over the phone, the latter not even a little bit surprised that his Japanese friend was asleep at 2 pm.

"It's not even early but go off—" Ten was nearly done with his sentence when he was cut off by the sound of the annoying beep you hear when a call is ending. He sighed and put his phone down on his counter, literally just sitting on his bed staring at his closet.

He was on the verge of having a midlife crisis and he just was pondering about why or why not he should wear something casual. What if his boujee ass is taking me somewhere fancy? I cant be going in there dressed up like a damn gay farmer.

He contemplated the "casual" outfit, but was leaning towards just slipping on a pale yellow sweater and jeans.

Ten picked up his phone and decided to call another friend, his ideas of what to wear slowly going down the drain.

He called Sicheng, which he knew the boy had at least a little sense of fashion. Although Sicheng has had some questionable decisions in the past, compared to Ten Sicheng was a fashion icon.

Sicheng picked up on the third ring, and Ten, yet again, wasn't surprised since Sicheng seemed to always be on his phone. "Hello? Sicheng? I need some help," "Hi Tennie!! What do you need help with? Oh! And I'm making cookies! If you want any just come over!" Sicheng's korean wasn't the best, as he was Chinese but Ten could tell what he was saying pretty easily. Oh, and not to mention Sicheng was literally the cutest, squishiest, most adorable person on earth.

"I don't know what to wear for my date," Ten could hear Sicheng's adorable giggles from the other side of the phone, and found himself just smiling along also. You know, just because. "What do you think he'll like?" Something sexy he thought, immediately pushing the thought to the back of his head. "I don't know, something cute?" "Well I don't even know who your date is, Tennie, if it was someone I knew—" he paused to hack out a sarcastic cough, "then I could've helped you."

"I was thinking of wearing something yellow, but what if he takes me somewhere fancy? What if he doesn't like the color yellow? Should I go with something less stand-out-y??" Ten showered Sicheng in questions, and Sicheng understood probably, like, half of it.

Ten was pacing around for probably more than an hour and he realized he only had about 10 minutes until Taeyong came to pick him up. "Fuck!— I mean, shoot! I gotta hang up now Chengie I'll talk to you later! Bye!" He quickly hung up the phone, Sicheng not even able to utter a goodbye before he hung up.

"Shit! What do I wear!" He talked to himself and tore down nearly his entire closet. His clothes were scattered and thrown everywhere, his mediocre room immediately getting covered in Ten's clothes.

He only had about 10 minutes to 1) pick out an outfit, 2) take a shower, 3) fix himself up, and 4) look presentable and hopefully have time to do his makeup. You see, his showers usually take more than 10 minutes. Way more. The average shower in Ten's apartment was 30-40 minutes and, yes, his water bill was incredibly expensive. He decided on the pale yellow sweater and the jeans and literally sprinted into the shower.

Ten checked his phone and saw he only had 8 minutes until Taeyong comes. Great. It took him 2 minutes to pick an outfit and he just tore down his entire closet. Ten didn't have time to think about that, though.

He ran into the bathroom, took of his embarrassing cat pajamas, and hopped into the shower. He didn't have time to put on music on his phone, hell, he barely even had time to take a shower. Ten wished he had some sort of waterproof watch, but even he knew he damn well couldn't read that clock.

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