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I squeeze through a throng of girls sitting on the kitchen counters and a crowd of guys standing before them. I make my way to the fridge, where I grab a water bottle. One of the best things about being the designated driver is that no one pressures me into doing multiple group shots to 'loosen up' for a night of fun. I can literally sit and watch them embarrass themselves in the corner of the room. I guess it's a 'perk' of being the only one out of my 'friends' with a car.

"Can you grab me one of those?" a girl asks from behind me just as I rip open the plastic wrap around the bottles. I glance back and hand her the one I just snagged. I take another for myself before turning around. When my eyes land on her, I furrow my eyebrows in slight recognition.

"Don't you work at the campus coffee shop?" I ask as I wag my finger a bit.

"I hate how that's the only reason people recognize me," she answers with a small smile. "I am much more than an espresso enthusiast."

"Sorry, I just spend a lot of time there," I reply with a small shrug. Especially this past week; I was at the coffee shop twice a day: once before classes to ensure I stay awake through them and once after work ensure I stay awake for the rest of the day. How else would I get through the first week back if it weren't for coffee?

"I guess I can't talk. I recognize you from there as well," she confesses sheepishly. "Medium iced coffee, light and sweet, two pumps of vanilla?"

"That's me," I answer with a surprised grin.

"You have a very memorable face," she comments as her brown eyes briefly assess me. "Pretty, is what I'm trying to say."

"Thanks," I respond as I analyze her. Her black hair, which is typically tugged back into a ponytail at work, is tied into two braids that rest on her shoulders. The glasses she usually wears have been replaced with what I'm assuming are contacts. Either that or she's walking around blind. Her black and green uniform is exchanged for a cute light pink dress that compliments her pale skin. "You are, too."

"Okay, not to be blunt but before this goes any further, I have to ask: are you gay?" she blurts.

The question throws me off a bit so I laugh in surprise. "No, sorry," I answer with a slightly apologetic smile.

"Not even a little?" she responds with slightly raised eyebrows.

"Nope. I actually have a boyf-," I stop mid-sentence, which causes her to quirk a brow. "Actually I don't...anymore."

"Recent breakup?" she inquires with a tilted head so I nod. "Drowning your sorrows in alcohol?"

I laugh and shake my head. "Designated driver," I inform her as I motion to my water.

"Your friends are trying to cheer you up by bringing you out to a party and making you a designated driver?" she asks with raised eyebrows. I give a weak chuckle at the idea of them bringing me to have a good time. I've come to the conclusion that I'm being used for my car.

"You know, I think they're going to be my next break up," I comment as I brush a strand of hair from my face. She offers me an understanding nod before a small grin falls onto her lips.

"So what I'm getting out of this is that you're in need of new friends," she concludes after staring up and to the left as if doing a difficult equation. "That's crazy because I just reached 5 stars on Yelp for my amazing service of friendship. I can't help you out with a boyfriend though, sorry."

My grin widens. "I guess it was fate that we met," I reply as I take a sip of my water.

She holds a hand out for me to shake. "I'm not sure if you've ever bothered to read my nametag but I'm-."

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