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The moon glows overhead as the man watches his target with great anticipation. A soft breeze carries the young mans bitter scent into the face of his watcher. It reaks of death.

Soon. Very soon he will see the face of the one whom he had lost. The face of the person most precious to him. After years of tracking her scent, demanding answers from humans and creatures alike, cheating death, and making deals with every type of devil out there, he has finally come to this point. The moment of reunion. He could just see the joyous look on her face when they finally meet.

An agonizing scream echoes off the surrounding trees. The mans bright amber eyes shift back to his prey. He is fatally injured. The scent of death in the air becomes so tangible, the man can almost taste it. Death will soon befall him. The mans tail twitches with excitment as dark figures materialize next to his prey.

She's here.

The man quietly stalks closer on silent paws to get a better view of his true target. The young, beautiful Werecat woman who was taken from her family and forced into becoming a Grim Reaper. But she will not suffer much longer, because he will save her.

He watches as a strange weapon, which looks oddly like a sickle, forms in her hand and continues watching as she brings the weapon down onto the body of the dying man, sending his soul to its final resting place.

The smell of salt fills the air. A slight twinkle of moonlight reflects off what seems like water on her cheek. She was crying. His heart ached for her as he longed to hold her and comfort her like the tall man standing beside her is doing at this moment.

Rage filled the man. Who dared to touch what was his?! He did not know the man, but he swore the tall, gray haired Reaper will never touch what was his ever again.

The man's red tinged eyes turned back to his precious one and all seemed to fade away. As the two Reapers disappeared, the man made a promise under the full moon and stars.

I will save you Katherine. Even if it costs me my life.

The last thing seen that night was a large lion with bright amber eyes headed straight for the city of London.

A/N: it is! The first chapter to the sequal to Good Kitty!!!!! What do you think?!?!? Omg!! I'm so happy I can finally update!!! I've been in a block for so long!!!!! More soon to come!!!!!

Undertaken Kitty (Sequel to Good Kitty Undertaker Love Story)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora