"Hello?" I yank the door open, forgetting to knock at all. I don't care about that either.

Karasuma-sensei, who looked like was about to leave, looks at me slightly startled. "Ever heard of knocking?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, just choose not to." I simply shrugged. I entered his office more to hand him a simple brown folder. "It's done."

He took it without question. "You've been doing very well." He dryly commented before taking the folder from me and walking over to one of his filing cabinets.

In all honesty, Karasuma-sensei looks like he hasn't aged over the past 7 years. The only difference would be the eye bags and slight gray highlights in his hair. Otherwise, I probably would of thought I was still in the classroom.

"I've heard that your former classmates are planning on going back up to the mountain in honor of Koro-sensei." Karasuma-sensei bluntly stared out of nowhere.

I looked up at his back in horror. Shortly after the government apprehended me, Koro-sensei eventually met his demise in order to save my classmates. I remember the day clearly, I was sitting in my small room provided by the government when actually Irina had came in and told me. I'm not sure why I found the incapacity to cry but I sat there, empty.

It also turned out that in his last couple hours, Koro-sensei had created a special year book for us. It was filled up with memories from the whole year. I was in there as well. Several times I would be featured with many of my friends, even at times I had no idea Koro-sensei was even there. But the one I keep the closest to me...was one of Karma and me sitting under the big tree together.

It was one of the first times I really hung out with him so it was an important memory to me. I teared up just thinking about it before I cleared my feelings away. I can't let him see me cry, I promised I wouldn't let this man see me cry ever again after that day. It was one of the last times I cried in seven years...after all.

"I suggest you should go as well."

I blinked a couple times before muttering under my breath. "I'll think about it...."

After that I left quickly and quietly, going down the way I came up. I breezed through the lobby and out the door within a couple seconds. Never in my life did I set my foot back on that mountain. After I was away...I lost my tentacles.

My body could no longer put up with the stress of them and caused my body go into shutdown mode. Although they couldn't just let me die since of the tentacles killed me and Koro-sensei found out about it somehow, he would immediately would of been up their asses due to the contract they signed. So basically another reason why I'm still alive is because of Koro-sensei.

I sighed, pulling out the keys to my apartment. Last year I finally got clearance from the facility to live out on my own since I was no longer a threat to the world. It was such a relief to get out of that stuffy place but still felt a little weird to be on my own. All my bills and rent where taken care of so I never had to worry about that. They call it "recompensation", I call it sucking up for their wrongdoings. Either way, I don't worry about the money. My checking account is always filled back up in the end.

After locking the door behind me, I threw my keys onto the kitchen counter and tossed my self into my bed. I didn't even bother to take off my clothes, only slipping off the shoes I had on and snuggling into my pillow.

That night, I fell asleep quickly but with a lot of thoughts swirling around my head.


I didn't wake up until around twelve in the afternoon. The best thing about being an assassin is that you don't worry about work times. I grumbled under my breath, deciding I really needed a shower.

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