-42 || Ophelia's Tale

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     It was due to her loneliness as an adolescent, that she struggled immensely with the loss of her parents. Following the deaths of Caspar and Charis Crouch, came frustration, sudden outbursts of fury and violence, or substantial amounts of tears from Ophelia Crouch. It was shocking to see a change from her usual shy, introverted nature, but students still managed to mock her for it all.

     "Back off, Rowle," Rabastan Lestrange sneered, his eyes pulled into a cold glare as he warned off the blonde Slytherin boy in their year. "She's lost both of her parents, and she isn't speaking to her brother or sister. She's eighteen and completely alone, she doesn't need you acting like a child around her."

     "Ooh, what a great boyfriend you've got, Crouch! He's such a hero, isn't he?" the boy called, swooning mockingly. But then, his eyes flicked over to the girl who stood beside Ophelia, and his lips twitched upwards into a nasty grin. "How are you doing then, Black? My parents were talking about you in their letter the other day, actually. Does Narcissa Rowle sound any good to you?"

     "I don't think that's any way for you to talk to my fiancée, Thorfinn," another voice said, and Narcissa glanced over her shoulder, a proud smile on her face.

     Ophelia was pleased that Narcissa had been engaged to Lucius Malfoy, not least of which because they actually loved one another. Lucius towered above Thorfinn Rowle as he spoke. "Now, like Rabastan said, you should be going. Ophelia doesn't need to hear your foolish comments anymore."

     As Thorfinn stormed off, apparently defeated, the four students were left to smirk at their achievement. However, as Rabastan pulled her into a hug, Ophelia reflected on what the Rowle boy had said to her. She knew that she'd always loathed these arranged marriages because of how protective and powerful the husbands became, yet she'd never imagined Rabastan to be like that. However, the words echoed in her mind repeatedly, and she started to wonder: Perhaps Rabastan Lestrange would turn out to be what she'd always despised so strongly?

     Ophelia pushed him away from her fiercely, untangling herself from his arms, and promptly yanking the ring off of her finger. Within seconds, the piece of jewellery that she had cherished for so long had clattered to the floor in front of Rabastan's feet. And then, she was running out of the Great Hall, a mix of enraged and sorrowful tears streaming down her cheeks.

     It was just as they knew it: her emotions were everywhere. She didn't know what to do with herself anymore, and it was more than evident to everyone who watched her flee the Hall.

     Narcissa tore after her, following the girl down corridors until the reached the Slytherin common room. Apparently, Ophelia was oblivious to the few second-years who were scattered across the seats, as she started crying hysterically, shouting and yelling at Narcissa whenever she offered her help. Shortly after the girls had entered, both Rabastan and Lucius hurried in.

     "No, just go away!" she shouted, and several of the second-years shot both irritated glares and terrified glances over in their direction. "For goodness sake, Rabastan, I'm not marrying you! Why won't you accept that? My parents can't do anything to stop me, and neither can yours, or you! Bloody hell, leave me alone!"

     Narcissa blinked. She quickly glanced at the two boys beside her, who looked equally as shocked. Lucius backed away a little in surprise at her outburst, but Rabastan stayed rooted to the spot. There was no anger on his face at all, which was surprising. Normally, when confronted like this, he would fight back immediately. Instead, he sighed and raised his hands in some form of surrender. Ophelia glared at him.

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