Hours had gone by and there were bottled of whiskey and vodka everywhere, jin sat on the couch sipping on a fruit smoothie while taehyung and jimin sat on the floor laughing like idiots

"H-hey jin, do you think that leprocons exist" taehyung slurs while jimin stared at his chubby hand laughing when he opens an closes them

"My hands are so fuckin chubby they are like bear hands ppfft" jimin giggled as he held a hand over his face.

"Don't curse, i ket yoi guys get away with drinking this time but next time pregnant or not ill dropkick you" Jin huffed and sipped his drink trying to calm himself. "I think it's time to call the alphas you guys need to go to bed" jin picks up his phone and as he goes to dial namjoons number the three alphas walk on and their jaws drop at the sight.

Taehyung smiled widely and crawled over to jungkook. He sat on his knees and gripped onto his groin hard making jungkook groan

"Kokkiiiee" taehyung began whining and jungkook tried to get his death grip off his penis. "Yes, ngh. Babe" he groaned and taehyung giggled

"Lets go take our clothes off and have fun again" jungkook gulped and picked taehyung up running and grabbing his school bag running out the front door while taehyung screams in a singsong voice" yyaayy kokkiiiee gonna make me feel good"

Namjoon rushed over to jin and sighed

"Did you drink? Jin you have a baby that's not healthy" he began to rant but jin just scoffed and stood up stood in front of him hands on hips like a mom. "Namjoon this may be my first pregnancy but I'm not stupid no i didn't drink, but I couldnt stop them from drinking. I have watched plenty of babyshows and read books I've always wanted a child I'm well educated don't worry joonie-ah, now give me some love I'm tired and horny" he kissed namjoons cheek and hugged him tight. Pulling him to their bedroom

Jimin sat on the floor blushing and embarrassed.

Yoongi starred down at him emotionlessly

"Jimin we are going home" he said sternly and jimin didn't argue he just got up and wobbled over to yoongi

He sat in the car while yoongi drove completely silent. Jimin couldn't help but think yoongi hated him now and because of how much alcohol he drank his emotions were everywhere

Yoongi was focused on the road until he he heard soft sniffles and felt a pang in his heart

Jimin sat in the passenger seat with his knees to his chest

Yoongi pulled over and hugged jimin tight

"Baby why are you crying" he cooed and jimin cried harder latching onto him

"You hate me your gonna leave me for jennie" he wailed and yoongi smiled softly at his needy baby's silly thoughts

"Jimin I would never, she's in the past she wasn't even a part of my life at that point, just a drunken mistake. I love you. I always have, always will" he kissed jimins soft lips that tasted of soju and whiskey.

Yoongi continued driving while jimin was needy as ever. He was placing kisses on yoongi cheek and would hug his neck, yoongi was only able to lean over for him since he's driving
. when they got home jimin passed out and yoongi carried him to their shared bedroom. He layed him down at observes his flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips, he smiled to himself and kissed them softly before making his way to the study to finish some pack business

He sat there for about an hour working when the door to his office freaked open and in walked jennie wearing a fuzzy robe.

Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance at her presence and continued to do his work doing his best to ignore.

"Oppa, I couldn't sleep" she whined in a needy voice that made yoongi cringe.

"What the hell are you doing here. you have your own house to be in and your own mate to find" he deadpanned not looking away from his computer as he took a pen and wrote down Info for his next meeting

"I don't want anyone else but you, and my house is always so cold and lonely, your house always makes me feel warm" she smiled in an attempt to be seductive but to yoongi she looked like she was having trouble taking a shit.

"Go home Jennie, I don't need you here nor want you here. What we did was a drunken act of stupidity. Your meaningless to me. Now get lost" he said with obvious irritation not that she'll listen

She giggled and dropped the robs revealing her nudity that made yoongi want to throw up

"Jennie what the hell!" He exclaimed and stood up

She lunged herself at him and wrapped her legs around his waist

He grabbed her and threw her to the other side of the room. Jennie is an alpha female she's strong, but yoongi is a true blood, his strength is like nothing else.

Kihyun and hyunwoo came running into the room and stared down at the naked and crying Jennie who was trying to stand, but couldn't.

"If you ever try some shit like that or even bring up our past I will not hesitate to snap your neck. Stay away from me and jimin, or I'll kill you. Or better yet how about I banish you from the pack you become rouge and will forever be our enemy" yoongi spat making Jennie and kihyun flinch.

"Get her out of here. Take her to her house and away from me" yoongi dismissed and kihyun ran and grabbed her robe, wrapping her in it and helping her stand.

"Don't touch me" jennie spat and limped her way out of the room

Kihyun looked at yoongi and sighed

"You didn't have to be so hard on her. I don't understand why your like this, so vicious" yoongi chuckled and sat back down

"I am what I am. And what do you expect me to do, she has been feeding lies to jimin, we argued today and he ended up drinking. She is toxic, and delusional" kihyun sighed walking out of the room and stopped at the door

"Its because she's helplessly in love" and with that she closed the door

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