Chapter Eleven. One Year.

Start from the beginning

Leigh rushed from the kitchen with the biggest smile and jumped into Seth's arms, giving him a long kiss and a very tight hug. These two were everything to me, like brother and sister, and the best couple in the world, along with AJ and Punk.

"Lacey!" She smiled at me, before hugging me as well.

"I missed you!" I said, before letting her go.

"And I missed you two!" She said, taking my arm and Seth's, rushing us to the dinner table. It was ready and filled with our favorite foods. "I bought your favs!"

"Oh, man, this is why I love you!" He kissed her cheek.

After me and Seth washed our hands, we sat down to eat and I don't think I've ever felt as hungry as I was. It was still morning, but we were already having lunch, I guess. I believe I ate three slices of Leigh's cherry pie.

"Man, you're a pig!" Seth laughed, his mouth full of pie.

"What are you saying, idjit. It's food, we have to eat it." I rolled my eyes.

Leigh just watched, laughing at the two of us being fools. After our brunch, I went upstairs to take a shower and also give the couple a little time alone. I ran to the living room, took my bags and ran back to my room, closing the door and turning the music up loud.

"Safe again." I laughed.

After a long shower, I started texting AJ, but, well, after a while, she had to go as well, because, y'know, she and Punk also needed alone time together.

It was times like these that I felt a bit like a lonely wolf.

Shaking those thoughts out of my head, I laughed. What a fool, to be thinking about it right now, so I decided to pick up a book.

"You don't go in my baaaaathroom, with me! With you! I put a knife right you, I'm warning you!" I sang.

"We're coming in!" Seth yelled, as they opened the door, and I turned off the music.

"Already?" I raised a brow.

"We'll have plenty time during the weekend." He rolled his eyes and Leigh giggled, then I realized the gift box on her hand. My eyes lit up and she grinned.

"So, I bought a surprise for you because this week makes 1 year since you've been living here with us. It's like a relationship birthday, get it?" She chuckled, walking up to me. "I know we're not emotional all the time and say 'I love you' so I'm taking the chance to say that I really love you, girl. You're like a little sister. And sometimes like a daughter." She chuckled.

"Oh God, Leigh, you didn't have to!" I hugged her. "I love you too. Thanks for putting up with my weirdness." I chuckled. "And, y'know, sometimes you're like a mother too. I mean, a really young and beautiful mother."

"Hello, I'm still here." Seth raised his hand, so me and Leigh laughed softly.

"I love you too, Seth." I stood up, walking up to him and hugging him. "You guys have no idea how much you mean to me."

"I love you too, lil' sister." He kissed my forehead. "Now, c'mon, open up your gift. It's from both of us, but she wouldn't tell me what is it."

"You'd tell her, so I couldn't." Leigh rolled her eyes playfully, and we sat down on my bed as I carefully opened the box.

"No. Fucking. Way!" I covered my mouth with my hand, then looked at Leigh.

"What is this. What is this?" Seth rushed to my side to look inside the box. "Holy shit!"

I looked at him, and he was just as surprised as me. We looked again at Leigh and she had a big proud smile on her face.

"Leigh, this is..." I took the Darth Vader's helmet from inside the box, and Seth took the light saber.

"I knew you wanted them so badly. Oh! Put on the helmet. It makes the same breathing noise as he does, and you'll have his voice. The saber also makes the exact same noises and in the movies. But you two can't fight!" She warned, just as Seth lift it up, probably to hit me. I stared at him with a frown and he sat back down.

"This is the best fucking thing I ever got!" I said, hugging her.

"Go on, put the helmet on!" Seth said.

I stared at him and shook my held, then he helped me.

"Seth, I am your fa- I am your mother." I said, before laughing. I stopped for a while, only to hear the breathing noises. "Oh my God, this is so fucking awesome!"

"My turn!" Seth asked, and I handed him the helmet and helped him out. "I find your lack of faith disturbing."

The three of us laughed, before taking turns to use the helmet and the light saber and, of course, to take a million pics with them so Leigh could post them on her Instagram, then we started looking for places to put them.

Seth suggested I used the light saber as a night lamp, so we put it on the wall, above my bed, then closed the curtains and turned off the lights. The saber's red light lit up the whole room, giving it some kind of 'darky' feeling to it, but making my room feel comfy at the same time.

"It's awesome!" Leigh clapped her hands.

"A nerdy room, but a totally awesome one." Seth smirked.

"It's the best gift ever." I smiled. "Thanks guys."

Here it goes! I just came online to publish this one and found out that the previous wasn't posted lol sorry guys

Anyway, what do you think of Leigh? xD I totally love her (:

Please don't forget to vote <3

{originally published april 23, 2016}

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