Hatari pt.2

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Allana POV
The last thing I remember was walking through the desert when all of a sudden I felt pain in my leg.

I begin to regain consciousness enough to see Zegeil carrying me and Amy and Tyson running beside us. I soon blacked out again.

When I woke up, I was in a bed in a quiet  house. I was curious as to where I was, so I got up to look around and I see a bandage wrap on my foot. A man then walked in. I looked at him and I saw a tail and thought cat, but his tail had spots on it.

I looked up and he offered his hand. With hesitation, I took it and he helped me down stairs. When what got to the first floor I saw my friends and two woman.

"Hello everyone." I said to make sure they knew I was awake. Everyone stood up and the woman with the exact same spotted tail ran to me.

"wow your lucky, not many people could have gone to long with the amount of poison you had, especially a beorc like you."
She said with a gleeful grin. Soon after the strangers made there introduction.

"Hi I am Mira this is my little sister Nina and our little brother Seth. Zegeil brought you straight here as soon as he saw the bite." I then looked at Zegeil and nodded my head to thank him.

Mira then continued,"this is a clinic that my mother started before she passed and we have kept it going ever since."

I then asked,"I don't mean to me rude, but what kind of laguz are you, and where is your tail?" She then chuckled and answered,"fist of all, I am a cheetah branded my brother and sister are both cheetah laguz."

The rest if the day Mira explained everything another where we were and how it works here and the only thing that went through my mind was amazement of how this side of the desert could live in harmony.

Quest of the EmblemOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz