New member pt.3

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  Amy's POV
We had finally made our way to the Forest of Serenes to find the last member of our party from the eldest heron, Rafiel.

As we made our way through the soundless woods, to the Serenes alter of the royal and endangered laguz siblings, I scanned the area around us wondering how an environment such as this, once was burned down just to capture the beauty of the heron laguz.

When we found the alter of Serenes, we walked in hearing the angelic voices of the heron trio singing on the anniversary of the healing of their home.

"Welcome to the Forest of Serenes." Said the oldest heron. All of us turned to see the angelic figure that stood above, and Ranulf spoke,"greetings Rafiel, it has been a long time since we last met." Rafiel the walked down to where we stood,"indeed it has, Zegeil how are your parents? " I the turn to the wolf as he spoke in the ancient language to tell him about anything new that has happened.

After Ranulf explained the mission, Rafiel said,"I know of a young dark mage that took interest in the our struggles and helped us with the artifacts if our home, she can help you." Rafiel then shifted into heron form and called for the mage he spoke of. Soon after a girl appeared from the shadows of the Forest and she stood their quietly.

Rafiel shifted made introductions,"This is Allana, she has helped us find all the lost treasures of my family and I trust her to help you on this quest."

Soon we made camp with permission of Rafiel and we went over the mission."you four have been trusted to save Tellius, your job is to find and destroy the emblem so that no more harm my come from it."said Ranulf. Tyson then asked,"what about you?" Ranulf then replied, "my job is done, it is now up to you to end this."

After that we ate and went to sleep so that we could start of quest in two days.

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