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Species information
Alternative names
• Stinging nettle
• Urtica diocia
• Burn hazel
• Non-sentient
• Green, covered in stinging hairs
• Potion ingredient
• Foodstuff in soups, tea, and wine
• Improving glossiness of hair

"Urtica dioica, the stinging nettle. Useful in potions, delicious in soups, and said to give you glossy hair. I wouldn't know. Or care."
- Zygmunt Budge, Book of Potions.

The nettle, also known as the stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) or burn hazel, is a widespread plant known for the stinging hairs that grows on its leaves.

Nettles are used in potion-making: fresh nettles are used in the Boil-Cure Potion, whereas dried nettles are used in the Herbicide Potion.

Nettles are presumably the main ingredients of beverages like nettle wine and nettle tea. Nettles can also be made into a soup, and are rumoured to improve the glossiness of one's hair.

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