The Truth

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Scene 1: The old forest

Emma (a "normal" girl): I love the forest.

Wolf (from the old forest): (trys to hurt a squirell).

Squirell: "HELP ME!" (in squirell lenguage)

Narrator: Emma gets mad at the wolf for hurting the squirrell.

Emma: I have to stop the wolf.

Narrator: Emma without even knowing it uses powers to make the wolf nice. Together they both left being friends.Emma was confused.

Scene 2: School

Narrator: Emma bearly talked at school because she was still wondering what happened in the old forest.

Emma (whispers to herself): I still don't understand what happened to the wolf.

Narrator: Emma did not tell anyone about what happened to the wolf at the old forest.

Narrator:Emma decides to go to the old forest that afternoon at the same place where she made the wolf nice.

Scene 3: The old forest

Narrator: When Emma got to the old forest she finally felt comftorble with the animals at the old forest.

Narrator:Emma wanted to find out what happened the last time she was at

the old forest.

Emma: Who is that person in the black hood?

Narator: The guy in the black hood comes closer to Emma.

Guy in the black hood: (acting mysterious)

Narrator: Once the guy in the black hood turned around, Emma knew that he was going to be an unordinary guy . At her belive she tought he was a WIZARD and she was right.

Guy in black hood:I know your name and I dont mean to get you scared, but you have powers and I know IT.

Emma: There is no way i have powers...

Girl With Secret powers firstWhere stories live. Discover now