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Name: Synthesis

Type: Emitter

Ability: The user can absorb or "eat" sunlight, to generate energy.

▼ The user can use this energy as a substitute for food and as a direct energy source

▼ The user can manifest this energy into energy beams and blasts

Drawback(s): The quirk doesn't work without sunlight

▼ The user experiences immense fatigue in days without sunshine

▼ The user is much weaker in the dark

Special Ability/ Attack: Recharge

▼ The user can project their own energy onto others, restoring their energy.

▼ The user can use this move on anyone they can touch

▼ The user will feel immense fatigue after using this ability twice and will pass out if they use it for more than five times


▼ The user has a small amount of chlorophyll in their skin to aid this process

▼ The chlorophyll turns the user's skin slightly green in the shoulder, nose, cheek, knee, palm and elbow areas

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