「Stone Touch」

166K 762 490

Name: Stone Touch

Type: Emitter 

Ability: Anything the user touches with the index and the middle finger gets turned into stone

▼ If an object is turned into stone, the time it takes to revert back to its original form depends on the duration of physical contact

▼ If an object is broken or damaged in the 'stone' state, they will remain broken after they revert back to its original form

Drawback(s): Every time the user uses this quirk, a small portion of their skin turns into stone. The only way to turn the skin that has turned into stone back to its original state would be shattering the stone, which causes intense pain.

▼ The user has to make physical contact with specific fingers to activate the quirk

▼ The user cannot revert the effects of the quirk by themselves

Special Ability/ Attack: Stoneteller

▼ The user can turn the ground into stone, making anyone who has contact to the ground turn into stone

▼ The user cannot use the quirk 1 hour after use


▼ The user's hands grow stone cold when using the quirk

▼ When the quirk is activated, it lowers the user's core temperature by 3°-4°C

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