Chapter 7 | Butterfly

Start from the beginning


But you looked up at him, your hands still formed to balls of anger and eyes covered in salty water. Your facial expressions had changed so rapidly, he got surprised. Even tho you were crying, you quietly whined out:

"Thank you for giving it back."

A big smile was painted on your whiny and wet face. But your eyes were shut. His strong presence was blinding and you couldn't bring up enough effort to open them against the white you saw. You thought back to the flower field, in between the small lake. With the trees which tips looked like being painted in oranges, purples and all sorts of blues. And he was there. Standing in the middle of it all, right in front of you, making eye contact. Your eyes were singing to each other and you looked up. Many white silhouettes were flying upon your heads and all the beauty. They freely flew around in slow pace and gave off a peaceful vibe. You turned your head up even more and saw dozens of them.

"The beauty behind the shadows of the buried bodies~" your head snapped back down to lock directly at him, "truly beautiful."

"Yeah." You smiled brightly in response, knowing if he could, he would have smiled and heard his heart flutter.

You were back to reality, well, kind of. Back to the library, but interestingly this time was, you didn't mind about the books, the dead persons, the "serial killer" in front of you, the fact that he wasn't even a human anymore. No. You just looked at him, as he looked back at you. "I hope you know how i feel, Minhyuk." This time you really needed him to hear your thoughts. Praying, another word for acceptance and letting go. You just wanted to stay, stay with him, for the rest of your "life" which apparently had been shortened for 15 years while you were asleep. "i wonder what he was doing. Was he capturing souls and letting them live? Was he just sitting there? Does time even exist here?" Now you were just lost, "WAIT? Did i really wear the same clothes for 15 years?" He caught you still starring at him but he came closer as he thought you were just dreaming and actually didn't really look at him. 

The tension was desirably lovely. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and waist and you felt his icy cold breath against your face as you finally managed to cut off your silly randomness. 

Minhyuk POV
"I hope you know how i feel, Y/n." Looking at you from only a few inches away, made him remember his past life- the good and bad sides.  Of the one you reminded him of, actually it was an animal. "Goodbye butterfly, I'll miss you." He forgot to open his lips so words would have come out but he kept it for him. It wasn't like he wouldn't have emotions, he just wasn't able to tell his affection.

Readers POV
There was something left you wanted to ask but couldn't. Since you knew you'd have to leave soon, you kept all these to yourself. "My past is past, is yours too?" There was a small sparkle to be seen in your eyes, not sure from what it came, since there was no strong light in this endless room. "Is this whole thing a dream or an illusion, please tell me this is real." The want and need felt strong, such a strong bond was tied around the two bodies of you. "Who truly are you now, still the same as to your lifetime?" Your prognosis of how he died, was unbelievable, "Was he dead? Was he still somehow alive?" Sadly you didn't receive an answer to that as well. "The legend the two men told me, was it just to scare me off? Is he the evil one or are they?" of course what you wanted to believe was him being the good, but could you know for sure?" Without making any noise you had grabbed on of his hands and intertwined your fingers. They were so cold, felt like a moving corpse, but it didn't matter to you. "The taxi and it's driver? So it was no coincidence, just the driver getting called by the loneliness of his dead daughter?" Your face stopped looking happy at one point. At this point it just went back to how it looked your whole life, emotionless and depressed. You slightly pushed Minhyuk away to lie your head down on his chest. "It still was weird not hearing any sound of a living and beating heart. But you didn't care-even less then you cared for yourself. "Is this our destiny you talked about? If it is, i don't want it. Can't we both be normal and meet normally?" But would have been the "normal" way better? "Would it have prevented the diverge of our bodies and souls?" You didn't think so, what made you happy again,, to at least have him now-right here, around you, in your arms and your fingers intertwined. "The numbers where dates of when people died? am i right?" What was so special about this ones, you didn't know as you didn't know so much. And the last thing was your promise towards Minhyuk, that no matter out of which reason, in this case surviving, you had complied to the deal with Team Alpha, you'd break it. You wanted nobody to ever find out more about the Soulkeepers.

After all the questions you stopped and noticed it happened.

Minhyuk POV
"I can hear it all Y/n, I can hear it all. Believe me I wish I could answer them all, I wish I could. I think it's time now to wake up now.

Readers POV
His lips fitted perfectly with yours. And it felt so good and so right. The same time, it surprisingly felt so warm. Actually it was the one and only moment, something ever seemed right. But as roses bloom so brightly, someday they go back to nothing. Your lips separated and no words were needed. For one bit of a second, you thought his eyes turned brown again, but as good it was, as bad it felt afterwards.

"Your story starts, where mine ends."

He put on a a seemingly unsure smile, shining more brightly then the sun, for the first tine, you actually saw him mimicking an real expression so well, you could believe it. "It's not about the living, you know that by now."

The smile slowly fainted but in your mind it didn't, since this smile was the only thing you wanted to see. All that was left was emptiness on his handsome face. Emptiness like so often-you met again and again each and every day of your whatsoever lonely life. 

You knew what was about to happen, like always. 

Because after all, you didn't matter.

"I would have died."

The unfamiliar feeling let you smile and take a step away from him.

"I know." You said these words and pressed your lips together a last time, took a deep breath to finally tell him that- 

"Goodbye, my Butterfly."

And he had left you, with a smile.

"I love you."

Minhyuk POV
"I love you too." 

-so desperately

Man in the Woods➵The Soul Keeper "Minhyuk"Where stories live. Discover now