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The young woman laughed as she sprinted away from the furious merchant. Pulling the hood of her worn-down cloak over her head, she let herself be swallowed by the sea of people. The crowd successfully concealing her thievery. She can't help but laugh. Can you really blame her? It was just too easy.

The plaza bustled with life. Stalls that seemed to never end were lined up on the streets. The air was filled with the scent of ripened fruits and perfume so intoxicating you'd think you were on a high. Merchants with heavy bags of counterfeit items walked among the crowd of commoners and passing nobles, swindling those naive enough to believe their made-up stories.

She loved those types of people, it made robbing them feel a little less unethical and more justified. It would be those same merchants that would set their eyes on her — a sweet young girl, too naive for her own good and will surely eat up whatever we tell her, or so they thought. She'd pretend to listen to their endless ramblings of the prices and origins of their items with false fascination when truly she could care any less.

The girl would flash them a bright smile, one so angelic you wouldn't notice she was stuffing her satchel full of the bedazzled jewels and silk woven scarves they were just rambling about.

By the time she got to the last stall near the palace gates, her shoulders were aching from the weight of her satchel. The last stall was a stall made for the nobles which she had no business even breathing near it but her greedy conscience wanted to test the waters and steal whatever they were selling.

Her eyes caught sight of a wanted poster as she neared the stall. She scoffed in disbelief. The bounty put on her head was 50 pounds of gold.

50 pounds of GOLD!

"Maybe I should kill myself?" She whispered to herself as she eyed the poster plastered on the stone walls alongside others.

The crowd suddenly parted, a sign that royalty was about to pass through.

"Lovely. Another royal family member out to kill me." She quickly hid among the civilians, pulling her hood further down her face.

"Your majesty, the Queen and his highness the crown prince have arrived!" Announced the town speaker.

Out came the queen from the carriage adorned with gold and jewels. The girl had always thought of scrapping that hunk of metal. What a thrill might it be.

The civilians bowed their heads at the queen's arrival, the young girl followed suit. A boy with brilliant blue hair followed closely behind the queen. He was tall and pretty, the kind of pretty that would definitely get bullied on the street.

Whispers went about as they walked amongst them. This seemed to be the first time the crown prince showed his face to the public.

"Who is he?" Asked the girl, "and why is his hair like that?"

"That my dear is the prince." The old lady next to her replied, the corner of her eyes crinkling in amusement. "I do not know about his hair, but it truly is a distraction."

The girl smiled at the kind woman as she left. She looked back at the prince, scanning him for any possible things she could get her hands on. And not it's not just jewelry ;)

She slithered past the guards who surrounded their highness, making herself as small as possible in order not to garner attention. She then busied herself with filling a new satchel she just stole with food and anything shiny.

A hand gripped her wrist firmly. She glared at whoever it was, her free hand disappearing to the slit of her dress to clutch the dagger on her thigh.

There stood the blue-haired prince, face serious and brooding.

What a cute meddling little shite.

"Stealing is bad, you know?" Whispered the boy, towering over her with his height.

This is why she hated tall people. Oh how she'd love to just gnaw at his kneecaps and bring him down to her height.

She swung her arm, aiming to elbow him in the face but he dodged and reached out to grab her again. The girl moved like a cat, swift and quiet as she quickly darted away from his reach and slinked off to an alley.


The prince had seen her, even worse, he caught her stealing. Now she had to stay hidden for much longer, because of his blueberry looking headass.

Welllll.....he can't tell the king if he's missing. Her conscience whispered like the devil on her shoulder.

Tempting but no...Sadly.

The idea of kidnapping the prince and possibly killing him clouded her mind but she was a thief, not a killer. She wasn't a monster by any means, she still had morals — but all that went down the drain as soon as her hands found a way to drag the unsuspecting prince down to her hideout.

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