Regret|| Moonbin (Part 2)

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Back at home Tae POV
I slowly opened Layel' s door "Layel?" I said while I walked in slowly closing the door seeing her crying on her bed "I'm sorry." I said as I walked towards her be and say "I didn't know that you guys would see each other so soon, I'm sorry Layel, I'm so-" she cut me off "I-It's not your fault" she said as she wipe her tears and looked at me "It was unexpected both of us would never know when we would see each other again" she said as she gave me a small smile I then hugged her "don't feel like this Layel, it's going to be okay" I said while still hugging her as she cried again

Next Day No one POV
"Yah!" Tae said as she waved her hand in front if my face "W-what?" I said as I look at her "are you okay? You have been staring at your food not eating a single bite" she said giving me a worrying look "I-I'm okay" I said as I took a bite off my food "Okay, well hurry up we gotta go in 2 minutes" she said as she stood up.

Time Skip school
"..." I sigh then Tae looked at me "Okay gurl you are not fine, what's wrong~?"
She asked while we go in class "to be honest I don't know Tae, I don't know what's wrong with me" I said as I sat on my seat while Tae sat next to me "Okay, why don't you just talk to him?, it's not like you did anything wrong" she said "But it was my fault, I hurt him, I don't know if I can face him anymore" I said as I lay my head down on my desk "..." she sigh "You did nothing wrong, it was for the best for him, why don't you just tell the truth?" She asked me like 'just do It's words "I want too, but I can't either, it's ju-" she cut me off "I'll help you, his here" she said as I sigh and lift my head up to sit down properly

I walked in class with my hyungs, but then I saw Layel and Tae talking, Layel had her head down like she was sad, I tried not to be notice by her so I sat in the front with my hyungs.

It's been 2 months and yet I still haven't told Moonbin the truth but today is the day! I am finally telling him "You can do this Layel" Tae said as we walked to where Moonbin is i just nodded. We reached where Moonbin was and he was just sitting with some of his hyungs, I slowly walked towards him "I- um Moonbin c-can I talk to you?" I asked behind him he then turned back and looked at me and so as his hyungs looked at me "Oh- Layel, I haven't seen you in awhile how are you?" JinJin asked "I'm been fine JinJin-ah" I said as I gently bow at him while Moonbin was still looking at me "I- um- hyung can we um?" Moonbin asked JinJin "Oh yea sure take your time I'll leave you guys now, bye Layel" JinJin said as he walked away somewhere.

Moonbin fastly stood up infront of me pretty close, I slowly walked back and walked infront of him and sat down next to him, then he sat next to me. He looked at me first, there was a 15 second pause before I started talking " I um. H-here to tell you t-the truth" I said as I looked down then Moonbin looked at me like he is ready to listen to what I'm about to say "Oh um, yea" he said "I'm sorry" I said still looking down but I finally looked up at him "about me leaving, it was for the best for you" I said as Moonbin still looking at me with a 'what?' Face "I had no choice to stay, I didn't tell you because-" I said as I teared up "b-because, I loved you, I don't love you as my bestfriend, I loved you as a boy, I loved you as you, if I told you why I was leaving it would be more hard for me to leave you..." I said still tearing up, tears roll down my cheeks, I looked down once again. There was a long 5 second pause then all of the sudden Moonbin hugged me, he hugged me tight like he doesn't want to let me go, I cried to his chest, but I didn't notice that Moonbin teared up as well "I-I miss you" he said as he hug me tighter and teared up more. He then pulled back, and so I pulled back too, I wiped my tears, he wiped his tears, then after he gently grab my chin, we looked at each other then he kissed me, lips to lips, long and passionatly, I kissed him back. We then pulled back once again "I love you too" he said as I looked down to hide me blushing

"Omg. Omg. Omg. Omg. Guys looked they are kissing.....! Hehehe" I said as the poked the boys shoulders "Look...!" I said then finally they looked at them "aww" they all said except one person "eww" SanHa said then we all looked at SanHa with a 'What did you say' look "Oh... yah did someone forgot to cover SanHa eyes?" JinJin said "Oh. Heh sorry Hyung I forgot to cover his eyes heh" Rocky said as he rubbed the back of his neck "aish..." JinJin said while I'm still watching Layel and Moonbin with Eunwoo and MJ "aww they are so cute~ I want to be sweet like that~" I said still watching them "Oh. Tae-ah we can be sweet like that!" Eunwoo said as I turned to him then he gave me a smile "aww, but you're too handsome to be too sweet" I said as I pinched his cheeks gently then Eunwoo just pout at me "oooo~ someone's got a boy friend~" MJ said as he nudge my shoulder "oooo~ someone's got a girlfriend~" MJ said as he nudge Eunwoo shoulder "MJ hyung~~" Eunwoo whined at him to tell MJ to stop I just laughed at bit then Eunwoo looked at me and smiled
"Okay you guys just date already~" MJ said "I agree" JinJin and Rocky said "Not again" SanHa said shaking his head, me and Eunwoo looked at each other and just smiled

End of this imagine! Finally! Still long but I made it shorter because Eomma is lazy!

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