capítulo cinco

Comincia dall'inizio

"That's what you've been saying for the last half an hour." Ruby retorted, "Can I at least have my phone?" "Cinco minutos más, mijo."

The Martinez boy rolled his eyes as Monse burst into the sala dragging Julianne with her. "What's going on?" Monse asked. Ruby looked at the two girls, "I think it's pretty obvious." He motioned down to the dress,

Julianne tried to suppress her laughter and her nausea. Which for the record, she had no clue why it kept coming back. Monse looked at Ruby, ignoring the dress entirely, wanting answers. "Great. So, walk us through the moment Cesar said what he said."

"Don't worry about it," Ruby said smugly, the possible sex life of his ex-girlfriend was truly starting to get on his nerves. Monse scoffed. "There you go again." "There you go again what?" Ruby asked, "Keeping things from us." Monse replied why wouldn't they just tell her the truth about everything? It was already out there.

"You gotta stop withholding, God damn it!" Julianne snapped which caused Ruby's Abuelita to glance up at her. "Lo siento, señora." Ruby's Abuelita smirked. "It's okay. I watch Bravo."

Monse could sense Julianne becoming extremely angry again, so she yanked Ruby's arm dragging him outside. "Monse. Wait! Monse! We need to go back inside!" Ruby was extremely horrified and embarrassed to be seen in such attire. "What did Cesar exactly say? And how did he say it?" Julianne pleaded. "I need context. Tone. I need to know! Out of all people, you should have told me."

Ruby's expression softened, underneath all the anger Julianne was breaking down. Quicker and quicker would she be in a full-blown meltdown. "J, you know what I know. What I don't know is why he said it. But he said it. We tried to get him to take it back, but he wouldn't. So what can we do? Drop it." Ruby expressed,

"I can't," Julianne whispered her voice getting choked up. Monse gently put her arm around her best friend. "Why?" Ruby questioned. These girls have been begging for the answers and he simply didn't have them. He wanted to know them badly but he didn't. Julianne looked down at her feet, sighing softly. "I'm still figuring out if I hate him. You heard what your brother said. How are we gonna survive high school without Cesar?"

Ruby had to stay strong. Being there for Julianne wasn't entirely his job anymore. Since their breakup a few months ago he hasn't known how to act with her. "Mario's not some sage. Don't take his words to heart. They're just words." Ruby tried to reason with the distraught girl, This time Monse cut in. "If that's true why should we take Cesar's words to heart? They're just words. It's Julianne's decision. Not ours."

"Sometimes it not what you say, but how you say it. And Cesar said it like he meant it. But things could be worse." Ruby replied, "What's worse than losing a friend?" Julianne whispered, Ruby gently held her hand. "Entering school with a rap. You're smart enough to know that a rumor could ruin your life. But it's contained." Julianne nodded smiling softly at Ruby, "You're right. No one knows."

At that moment Jasmine pulled up on her scooter. "Hi! Damn, Ruby! I see you! I see you! And I'm down with it. I like the freaky, just like Julianne." The Deluna girl's blood began to boil. She looked at Ruby glaring daggers into his eyes, his mouth fell agape. "What are you talking about?" Julianne asked trying to keep her calm. Jasmine was utterly oblivious. "You ain't gotta play shy with me, girl. I know you and Cesar be gettin' it in." Jasmine moved her scooter provocatively.

"No one knows? Really? I officially hate this traitor and now I'm gonna kick his ass." Julianne yelled as she rushed out of Ruby's yard, Monse followed after her best friend, happily. She was done with Cesar as well. "Monse! Monse! Stop Julianne please!" Ruby begged,

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