Why could we not just have a nice cooperative trip back home?! "Thorian stop. William just does not want you to act out since you are still upset over recent events," I told him sternly as Thorian did not seem to want to listen to me, but glare down William.

"I know when my wife left me I acted out. I went to brothels, I picked fights with soldiers. I was not well behaved for a Duke. It felt as if she broke my chest cavity, ripped my heart out, took a chunk out of heart and then slammed it back into my body." My poor William.

That was how I felt when Thorian was ripped away from me. Heart break does not have to be from a love partner. I watched Thorian's eyes slowly return back to normal before leaning back in his seat.

He was not so talkative the ride back but I knew it was just because he was still heart broken over what happened with Margaret. I just hoped this would help him get over her to an extent. I knew from personal experience it took a long time to get over certain matters.

By the time we arrived back at our home William was asleep. Leaning heavily on me, while Thorian kept looking out the window.

I pinched William's arm, watching him jump awake. "We are here," I announced as I glanced to Thorian who was now looking at me. He gave me a brief smile which I appreciated, before his smile disappeared with a look from William.

The carriage doors open and I was let out first, William let Thorian go out next. We all three were met with soldiers bowing down to us and a few maids stepping outside to help with out more delicate bags.

"Excuse me where is my brother?" I questioned one of the guards as he seemed to be staring at Thorian with disdain. "Do you have a problem with my son, guard?"

I glanced at Thorian to see that he had a threatening look to his features. It might scare one if they were not already accustomed to Lycan. This guard looks new, I doubt he has ever witnessed one before. Even though plenty of them live in my kingdom.

He quickly bowed to me, "Um...no your highness, forgive me...and King Edwin is in the foyer with King Drakka."

That King was a nice man but seeing him would make my feet ache. Then again I had to greet Edwin and congratulate him...and also tell him I have brought Thorian along.

"Very well then, lead us to them," I told the man as I placed my hand in Thorian's arm as we walked. By the time we arrived in the foyer, I could hear Edwin laughing heartily. Along with a very boisterous laugh also.

"Ah my sister has returned, along with my nephew...oh and William," Edwin smiled widely as he walked over to us and enveloped me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly before he went to Thorian. "So you just could not get enough of Esmerelda could you?" He chuckled as he grabbed Thorian in a hug. He seemed less than thrilled to hug back but he did so.

"Yes Thorian will be spending some more time with us, I hope that is not a problem," I smiled as I watched Edwin's eyes. One thing about him was that he could be smiling up a storm but his eyes were the true testament of his feeling.

"Of course you are family, Thorian. However long you would like to stay you are welcomed." Thorian gave Edwin a slight smile before looking past him at King Draka.

I waved at the King. "King Draka it is nice to see you again-"

"-My Queen!" King Draka gasped, as he made his way over to us. The large green man's smile was large enough to light up the sun. I could hear William scoff as King Drakka bowed lowly to me, then grabbed my hand firmly. "I have waited to see you before I leave," he told me as I squeezed his hand back before he let go.

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