"I'm Going For A Walk"

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DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own DC or My Hero Academia. I'm just writing this for fun

Jason POV
I went out the door with Max and started walking towards the grocery store to pick up some food for me and Max, it's Sunday so I don't have school. We went to the grocery store and I told Max to stay outside since dogs aren't allowed inside he's well trained so he stayed put until I come back. As I finally got everything I needed I went to the cashier to pay for my stuff.
???: Jason?

I turned around to see my friend Izuku Midoriya and his mom Inko Midoriya. Izuku is the the same age as me and fellow classmate, he's also one of my few friends in Japan Him and his mom both have have green hair but Izuku has freckles on his face.
Jason:Hey Izuku hi Inko.
Inko:Hi Jason how are you?
Jason: I'm doing good how are you and Izuku doing?
Inko: We're doing great I'm really glad that Izuku has someone like you as a friend.
Jason: I'm the one who should be thankful having Izuku as a friend.
Izuku:N-no i-i should be thankful that you s-s-still consider me a friend since I'm well quirk-less.
Jason:Hey just because you don't have a qurik doesn't mean you can't achieve your dreams just look at Batman, Nightwing, and Green Arrow  they don't have qurik's and yet their still hero's.
Izuku:W-well technically their not hero's.
Jason:But they still save people just like hero's proving that you don't need a hero license to save people and Batman and Green Arrow are apart of the Justice league.
Inko: Sometimes I forget that you like to analyze hero's like Izuku hahaha.
Jason:Hehe yeah anyways I gotta finish my grocery shopping so I'll see you later bye.
Inko:Hey Jason why don't you come over for dinner this afternoon, you can also bring Max with you.
Jason: That's thoughtful but I don't want to impose.
Inko: Nonsense your always welcome at our home.
Jason: Hehehe well if you insist sure we'd love to come over.
Inko: That's great see you two at eight o'clock.
Izuku:Bye Jason.
Jason:See you guys later.

I went back to buying everything I need and left after paying for all of it and using my quirk to put all of it in my "pocket"
Jason:God I love my quirk. You ready to go boy?
Max:Woof Woof!
Jason: Let's go boy!

Me and Max were going towards the park to have some fun. We got to the park and I summoned a Frisbee.
Jason:Ready boy?
Max:Woof woof!
Jason:Go long!

I threw the Frisbee and ran towards it and caught it in his mouth and ran back to me.
Jason: Good boy! Wanna go again?
Max:Woof woof!
Jason: Alright then go fetch!

I threw the Frisbee again but Max wasn't able to get it since he fell in a tiny hole. The frisbee landed next to a girl with pink skin, pink hair, raccoon like eyes and some antennas on her head. She saw me and Max going towards her and waved.
???:Is this your's?
Jason:Yeah thanks!
Max:Woof woof!
???: Awwwwwww he's so cute what's his name?
Jason: He's Max my name Jason.
???:I'm Mina Ashido nice to meet Jason.
Jason:Nice to meet you to Mina.

I smiled at her as I shook her hand which she blushed at least I think she blushed it's was hard to tell since her skin color is pink.
???: Mina hurry up we're going to be late for the movies!
Mina: Coming, I gotta go it was nice meeting you Jason.
Jason:Same to you bye.

Mina POV
Mina:That was guy really really cute, I wonder if we'll see each other again?

I thought as I was walking with some of my friends to the movies

Friend 1: Who was that cute guy you were talking to earlier?
Mina:His name was Jason.
Friend 2: Is he single? Did you get his phone number?
Mina:Jeez woman calm down
Friend 2:You can't let someone like that just walk away go get his number!
Mina:I-i don't know.
Friend 2: Don't doubt yourself you got a lot of great quality's plus you two would make a cute couple!
Mina:Do I really have a chance with him?He seems nice and he didn't look at my boobs or look at me at disgust because of how I looked. Ok I'll do it!
Friend 1&2: Alright go get him!

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