Chapter Eighteen - Reconciliation

Start from the beginning

"Wh-What's your problem?! Are you here just to show off? I have absolutely no interest in Dawn anymore! She can be e-easily replaced in my life! I-I-"

Before being able to finish her words, Miss Maple burst into tears. 

H-Huh? Miss Maple is rather similar to Miss Waterflower, always cheerful and seen with a smile. It's rather shocking for me to see her like this. All of a sudden, Miss Waterflower pulls her into a hug and quietly whispers beside her ear.

"That's a lie, right? The truth is that you regret betraying her and desire to return back to her side, right?"

Miss Maple regrets her actions? 

I look briefly at her and thought back to the moments where I noticed her stealing glances of Dawn in class. Only after Miss Waterflower had pointed it out, I realise that Miss Maple has always looked at Dawn with remorse. I've never considered Miss Maple's feelings and only looked at the situation from a single perspective, I'm certainly too naive. Miss Maple catches my stare and stops crying before pushing Miss Waterflower away.

"I-It's all your fault!" She blurts out, pointing her index finger at me.

I wait for her to continue instead of arguing back.

"If only Dawn had never met you! My friendship with her would've never ended up like this! If only....." Her voice slowly drifts away as she stare at the ground. 

Instead of feeling pain in my heart upon hearing those words, I feel guilt. The urge to apologise start growing inside of me as I'm clearly the reason why both of them ended up misunderstanding each other. Once again, Miss Waterflower speaks out before I can gather up enough courage to apologise directly to her.

"May, join our sleepover! It's a great opportunity for you and Dawn to mend your friendship." She suggests with a grin.

"Ehh?!" Miss Maple and I yell in unison. A moment of silence pass before Miss Maple responds to Miss Waterflower's suggestion.

"It's useless. Dawn and I bumped into each other while she waited for the two of you but took off the moment she saw me, I'll never be forgiven. Especially since she's befriended you, Dawn just doesn't need me anymore. There's nothing in it for her to forgive me."

Miss Waterflower sigh and grabs her hand.

"New plans! May is going to replace Ashy for the sleepover! Dawn's probably waiting for us at her house, let's hurry!"

I want to protest but Miss Waterflower winks at me before dragging Miss Maple away with her, I smile and decide to put my trust in her.

"Best of luck, Miss Maple." I whisper to myself as they disappear in the distance.

Dawn's POV

Slamming the door shut as I arrive home. Just what am I doing? I continue to run away from reality and repeatedly lose control of myself whenever I see May, I was even supposed to wait for Ash and Misty! I wonder if they're enraged or still searching for me around school. It slipped my mind to exchange phone numbers with them therefore I cannot contact them unless I head back to school.

I pace around in circles, thinking of a solution, until the doorbell rings. Did they come directly to my house? I suppose Ash had been here before so they should know the way but how did they realise that I'm already home? Pushing my thoughts aside, I quickly open the door and it's none other than Misty who stands outside. However, the person behind her doesn't seem to be Ash.

"Welcome Misty! I-uh- had some urgent matters to attend to so I left ahead. I'm surprised you know the way." I greet her as casually as I could.

"It's fine! A special guest had led the way! She'll also be replacing Ash since he's had a sudden notice at work." Misty replies.

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