Chapter 50

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At the Hide Out
Mal and Carlos: Enter the room*
Evie and Jay: MAL?!!! MAL!!!
Evie: Hugs her* I'm glad you're okay!
Jay: Hey dragon! Hugs Mal*
Mal: Hey Jay!
Evie: Looks at Carlos* M-Mal can I talk to you for a second?
Mal: Can it wait? I'm gonna take a shower because.....I really stink
Evie: O-Okay
Mal: Leaves*
Jay: I'll get her some fresh clothes    Leaves*
Evie: Turns around slowly and tries to smile*
Carlos: If you tell her anything!
Evie: Start to get scared* C-Carlos.....
Carlos: Grabs Evie by the neck* You are not telling anyone! Especially Mal and Jay! Got it?!
Evie: Nods*
Carlos: Let's her go* Good girl! Leaves*

With Mal
Mal: Washing her hair*
Carlos: Comes in* Mind if I join you?
Mal: Not at all Carlos!
Carlos: Looks into her eyes* I love you! You know that right!
Mal: Aww.....I love you more than anything!
Carlos: Kisses Mal*

In Hell Hall
Mal: Do you guys have ice? Looks into the frige*
Carlos: Why
Mal: You got a bruise right next to your eye!
Carlos: Yeah I got that but why are you taking care of me? No one has ever done that
Mal: I don't know, Maby it's just that I don't want you to look like a fool
Carlos: Okay? But why are you here?
Mal: School! Here hold this over here!
Carlos: Over here?
Mal: Ugh...I'll do it!
Carlos: Looks at her* Thinks: Why is she helping me? The daughter of Maleficent is helping ME? She has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen! Wait....Wha?
Mal: Um...De Vil?
Mal: You were staring at me
Mal: Grabs his hand* I know I know the daughter of Maleficent helping someone!
Carlos: Blushes*
Mal: Realized what she was doing and let go*
-----End of Flashback------

15 minutes later
Mal and Carlos: Hey guys! We're back!
Evie: Hey!
Jay: Do you guys want to watch a movie?
Evie: Yes
Mal: Yes
Carlos: Sure!
During the movie*
Mal and Carlos: Looking at Evie and Jay*
Jay and Evie: Kissing*(the whole time)
Carlos: Whispers in Mals ear* Come here
Mal: Smiles a bit puts her head on his lap*
Carlos: Kisses Mal*
Mal: Got up and sits on his lap* (Still kissing)
Jay: Guys! Do that in your room please!
Evie: Yeah!
Carlos: You guys were kissing too
Mal: The whole time!
Jay and Evie: Blushes*
Mal: Puts her head back on his lap*
Carlos: Strokes her cheek*
Mal: Whispers* Hihihihi

After the movie
Carlos: I'm pretty tired
Mal: Me too we're of to bed bye guys!
Jay and Evie: Good night
Mal: Evil dreams!
Jay: Should we go to bed to?
Evie: Sits on his lap* We could do that or.... We go to bed later and just sit here!

💜Love is weakness💜Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ