Chapter 15

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Jasmine POV

Two months later...

Gray and I have been hanging out everyday while my daughters are at their after school activities. We only hung out at my house once and that was the first day. We didn't do anything but, catch up on each other's lives. He's been doing so good ever since college. I really should've kept our child and stayed with him. Never mind if that happened I wouldn't of had Jessica and Jayla.

Hanging out with Gray has caused me to be happier not even Jay and his insults could hurt me. Jay comes home drunk and tries to start fights with me.

Well tonight, I lied to him and told him I'm going to have a girl's night out with Gigi. I really want to spend more than just an hour with Gray tonight.

Before I could get out the door Jay called me into his office. When I walked in I can let he was drinking.

"Jasmine come here" he pulled me on his lap once I got close to him. The smell of alcohol was all that I could smell on him.

"What is that?" He pointed to the screen. It was Gray and I talking. Gray was rubbing on my thighs while he was speaking to me and I was giggling like a little girl.

I forgot we had cameras around the house because Jay thought that Jayla wasn't his. So he felt like putting cameras in the house would help him find out who her real father is. I got so fed up with him assuming she wasn't his. I offered to swab her myself for a DNA test. When the results came back and he was the father, he left me alone about it.

I was too scared to even move on top of Jay. I got caught red handed.

"WHAT IS IT?!" He pulled my hair back yelling in my ear.

"I-I" I couldn't even get the words out. Jay pushed my head into the screen.

"This is why you wanted a divorce huh?!" He kicked me in the back while I was on the ground. "Because of him!" He pulled me up by my hair. "Answer me!!"

"No, it's because you keep hitting me and treating me like shit"

"Even if I treated you like a queen you would still go around being a hoe" he let go of my hair. I was laying on the floor scared to even get up.

"If I'm such a hoe then why won't you divorce me. You don't love me and I don't love you so let's get this over with"

"Correction, I love you. You're the one who doesn't love me. I bought you this nice house. I gave our two kids everything. I gave you everything you could ever wanted." He said. "You've always loved him. Even when I treated you with respect in the past. You still went out and cheating on me with a guy who didn't give a shit about you. I was there when he broke your heart Jasmine. I sat there and listened to you cry over him that night. What is it that he has that makes you keep running back to him"

I've heard that speech before. That's the same speech he gave me the day of my abortion.


"I-I don't think I want to do this" I said as tears started rolling down my face. "I can't go through with this. I know you'll hate me and probably leave me if I don't get this abortion but I can't just kill what I made with Gray. I'm going to keep it"

"Jasmine don't you love me?" Jay says with pleading eyes.

"I do, I love you but why do I have to terminate my pregnancy to prove that? Why can't you just accept that I'm pregnant with Gray's child?"

"I know what it is" he says. "You love Gray. You always have. Even when I've showed you loyalty, you still found a way to cheat on me with a guy who never gave a fuck about you. I was there when he broke your heart. I sat there and listened to you cry that night over him. What is it that makes you keep choosing him over me."

Everything he said was true. Jay has never cheated and he'll never do anything to hurt me. Gray has humiliated me and cheated on me multiple times. My future with Gray will be terrible. But, Jay he really loves me and cares about me. Our future will be perfect.

"Ok I'll go through with the abortion"

Flashback over...

That was the same thing he told me to convince me to get the abortion. That just showed he would constantly play mind games with me. He acted as if he was a good guy for me to trust him then he showed the real him when I gave myself to him.Gray was trying to tell me this but, I was so brainwashed by Jay that I didn't even see that.

I'm not the same naive 18 year old he can't play those games with me anymore.

"He's never hit me" I said getting up going into our bedroom.

"Where the fuck are you going I'm not done talking to you" he followed after me.

"I'm moving out" I said pulling out my luggage from the closet.

"No you're not" he grabbed my arm. I tried to pull my arm away from him but he kept yanking me. He was hurting my arm.

I swung my other arm and accidentally slapped him across the face. He let go of my arm and grabbed me by the hair. I tried to fight for him to let go of my hair but that only caused him to dropped me and start dragging me out of the room, down the stairs and all the way to the front door.

He opened the door and threw me out the house. "Go! Since we want to leave so bad! Get out from the front of my door" he said slamming the door in my face while I was on the ground.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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