Chapter 14

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Jasmine POV

"Are you sure you don't want to go home? I know how Jay is" Gray said as I was laying on his couch feeling sorry for myself. I hate being in my own house.

"I'll go...eventually"

"Why don't you just divorce him?" He asked.

"I tried but he won't sign the papers. He's even threatened to go to court and take full custody of my kids. I don't have anything without him." I explained. I didn't realize I was letting Jay take over my life until, I wanted to leave. He just always promised he'll take care of me. I didn't know he was making a way to strip me from everything if I tried getting away from him.

"I could get you a lawyer" once he said that I rose from the couch.

"Really?" I smiled. If I divorce Jay I'll finally be happy.

"Thank you" I walked over to Gray hugging him. The hug was lasting longer than it should.

We eventually kissed and it went too far.


I took a shower at Gray's house so Jay wouldn't smell sex on me. I was getting dressed so that Gray could take me home.

"I wish you could stay the night" Gray said wrapping his arms around me.

"I wish I could too" I smiled having his arms wrapped around me. I felt safe for the first time in a long time.

"Let me get dressed so you could bring me home. I've been here for an hour"

Once I got done getting dressed Gray drove me close to my house so, it would look like I was walking.

I got in the house and my whole mood changed. I hate being here. I walked upstairs and Jay was awake on his laptop.

"You're just getting back? What took you so long?" He asked.

"I had to walk. I forgot my phone in the car"

He walked up to me examining my face. I forgot I left the house with makeup on.

"What happened to your makeup?" He asked trying to hold in his anger.

"I was crying and my makeup was smearing so, I decided to go into the diner that was nearby the club to wipe my makeup off" his face changed once I said I was crying.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't of did that" he said trying to caress my face but, I quickly moved away from him. He can't just say sorry and everything is supposed to be ok.

"What now?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"You can't just say sorry and then expect everything to suddenly be ok"

"What else do you want me to do?"

"I want a divorce"I responded.

"You know what? You've been saying that shit a little too much lately" he said walking towards me. "I stopped hitting you like you said and you still want a divorce. You're probably cheating again"

I ignored the whole thing about me cheating because it's true. I am cheating on him and it's not like the past where I felt bad. I genuinely don't care anymore. He's a terrible husband.

"You treat me like shit" I responded ignoring his cheating accusations.

"I made one mistake today and you're throwing that shit in my face" he raised his voice.

"Leaving me at the club to walk in heels is somehow a mistake? Do you think I'm still the same naïve 18 year old that you met in college?" I also raised my voice.

"You better watch your fucking tone with me Jasmine"

"I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYMORE!!" I yelled and he quickly slapped me into the bathroom door causing me to fall.

"Shut the fuck up" he said kneeling down. "I tried to keep my hands to myself to make you happy but you're pushing my fucking buttons"

He was lifting his hand to continue hitting me until he heard "mommy I can't sleep. Could you please sleep in my bed with me?" Jessica said standing in the room door entrance with her teddy bear.

"You could sleep in between us" Jay suggested. Jessica hesitated.

"N-no I want mommy to sleep with me in my bed"

"Ok I'll be right there" I said getting off the floor.

"It's ok I'll wait for you" she said climbing on my bed sitting down and waiting until I got ready for bed.

"Mommy are you gonna be okay" Jessica said as I got in bed with her.

"Yeah I'm going to be ok" I fake smile. I hope she didn't see him hit me.

"Why does he keep doing that to you?" She asked. Oh gosh, she did see him hit me. How am I suppose to answer a question like that?

"Go to sleep honey you have to go to school tomorrow"

"I can't sleep knowing that he's going to hurt you really bad one day" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Your mommy is going to be ok. He won't hurt me ok" I said kissing her on the forehead.

"Ok" she said snuggling up against me.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter

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