Chapter 23

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"Glowed? How could I have glowed?" Capsize looks confused, wanting answers I can't give her. I don't know how it happened, I can't even think of a reason it could've but I know it did. The others didn't see, they only starting paying attention after she collapsed. Right now, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not. If an outside force is doing this then they should know but if Capsize did it herself then... gods, I don't know. I'm already worried about Will being caught by Mianite if Capsize can glow then what will he do to her?

"I don't know how it happened Cap, I just know it did," Capsize opens her mouth but quickly she shakes her head, rubbing her hand over her face. She almost seems scared, scratch that she does seem scared. I've only seen her actually scared a few times and it's never something I like. There isn't anything I can tell her to comfort her either because I don't know why she glowed. She didn't even know that it had happened but why would she? Jordan and Tom said she'd forgotten things when they came to get me. If she'd forgotten things they'd known about she wouldn't remember far enough to where she was glowing. "I've hidden it from the others so we at least have time to think."

"Time to think? Red, if I glowed then what if I'm not... what if I made it happen and Mianite tries to..." She has a few tears in her eyes and I know why. It's the same reason why I'm terrified of the very idea of Mianite finding out who Will really is. If Capsize made herself glow then she's got powers and that means trouble whether Mianite deems her as mortal or not. So we have to hide this until we know what happened but I need Capsize to be calm, to feel like she's safe even if she isn't. We can figure this out. "What am I?"

"You're my little sister, that's all that matters right now," I say that as confidently as I can. Whatever that glow was I'm not going to let anyone hurt her. I just need to make sure no one else figures out before I have an excuse. She looks at me, frowning and holding her knees. She looks so young like she really should do if I'm being honest. It's so easy to forget that she's so young with everything she's done, it's only times like this where it's easy to remember how young she really is.

"I- I just need a minute to figure this out," She says, taking a few breaths that don't really seem to be helping her. Well, at least I think they aren't. She doesn't look like she's getting any calmer but it's not like I really expect her to, how is she meant to understand any of this to a point where she's comfortable. I know I needed to tell her if I didn't and this kept happening it would end up worse, it's just this is a lot to process. "How do we figure out if I caused it?"

"Ianite will probably know but it won't be easy to get an answer from her," It'll be the only way to get a completely factual answer safely. While I don't want to think about it, there's also the possibility Ianite already knows. I'm honestly not sure if Ianite would hide something like this from Capsize but if she thought it was for her protection. It's not as if it completely matters, Ianite appeared a few days ago so it'll be nearly impossible to talk to her without Jordan's help. "Do you feel any different? Anything that would suggest someone else did this to you?"

"I feel fine. Jordan and Tom were acting like I was being weird but I thought that was because I couldn't remember things they could," She seems a little uncomfortable with her own words as if she knows something is wrong but doesn't quite want to admit it. I don't blame her, losing any memories isn't a great thing, not enough to think she couldn't have caused this herself. It's at least something to start on, to figure out what caused all this. "I don't want them to think I'm weird. I like them so much."

"You..." The words get stuck in my throat. Capsize just said openly that she likes Jordan and Tom. That doesn't happen, it's never happened. Even when she can't deny her feelings anymore she usually keeps them to herself as physically possible. Did the glow do this? Should I point out to her that she's just done something that she never does? She looks so happy though. "They don't think you're weird, Kathy. Actually, I'm pretty sure they like you too."

"Really? Are you sure?" She looks so happy, a smile sat very comfortability on her face. How long has it been since I've seen her like this? I can't ruin this for her by telling her how much she would normally deny her feelings, not when Iknow they like her too. It's just a little nudge, it's not wrong if it'll make her happy.

"I've seen them blush, I'm sure they like you," Capsize is still for a few moments, a blush creeping up her cheeks. Then she hugs me. She's laughing and hugging me like nothing could be wrong. Maybe the glowing is dangerous but I'll work that out by myself because right now, whether it's selfish or not, I just want her to be happy.

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