Dazai quickly shot the last few enemies and strolled over to his partner. His steps appeared lazy and nonchalant, but inside his head a sprout of worry grew.

"Chuuya-chan?" Dazai asked, a grin on his face. The redhead stood up. Dazai's smile froze on his face as Chuuya laughed. Chuuya's laughter was bitter and sharp, the opposite of how it usually sounded.

"You're smarter than that, my dear partner," the redhead mocked. The red lines inched up the pale skin. They were slow and more faint then usual.

"I'm not your partner. Who are you?" Dazai hissed. Whoever it was could take over Chuuya and might be able to control Corruption, he or she was dangerous.

"He trusts you, he'll be crushed whenever you leave," the being mused and ignored the brunette Executive.

Dazai ignored the comment about his future treachery and demanded, "what are you?"

Chuuya grinned, "nice to see you using that pathetic little head of yours. I'm 'Corruption'. Nice to meet my vessel's partner 'in person'."

Dazai lunged for Chuuya's face, where his partner's skin was most exposed. Corruption easily sidestepped and skipped away, an amused curl on his lips. Dazai pursed his lips in irritation. The redhead's eyes glimmered in amusement, apparently whatever the being it was found this situation rather humorous.

The brunette lunged again, this time his hand was caught by Corruption. The worn black glove wrapped around Dazai's wrist and gave a firm squeeze.

"He trusts you. Don't let him down." 'Chuuya' gave a smile. It sent chills down Dazai's spine, the smile was like a dark abyss.

The brunette grimaced and used his other hand to tap Chuuya's wrist. The lines receded and the Chuuya's body collapsed onto the ground.


Age 17

Chuuya pulled the trigger. The heft of the sniper rifle felt comfortable, right, in his hands as most guns did. He could enjoy the gun range and training till he dropped. The redhead shot again. The bullet once again landed near the bullseye, not hitting the circle as it usually would. Yes, he enjoyed the gun range, he would be having a wonderful time if not for the two nuisances with him.

Dazai had been staring at Chuuya, analyzing the petite executive with a cold gaze. Chuuya would flick his eyes towards his partner occasionally, in order to keep track of the brunette man.

The redhead's passenger had been rather bored that day. Therefore, Corruption had weaving a long snarky tale about the beings War and Famine. Along with commentary on how poorly Chuuya was aiming.

From the corner of his eye, Chuuya spotted Dazai's actions. The brunette briefly grinned and opened his mouth.

"Shut up," Chuuya hissed. Corruption only seemed more amused and continued rambling.

"Chuuyaaaaa, I haven't even said anything!" Dazai whined.

"I know. Shut up."

Dazai pouted, an odd look for a cold hearted Port Mafia Executive. But that was Dazai, he had the guise of a twelve year old, yet was still chilling and devious.

"I can't deal with two idiots jabbering in my ear at once," Chuuya grumbled.

Dazai stuck out his tongue but stayed silent as he watched.


Age 18

Dazai was talking about what he was going to do next week. There was a certain tenseness to his muscles, a peculiar sense of even more faux cheer than usual...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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