Spring Breeze

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It was noon, the warm summer air blew the tall green grass. Laying there was a boy, his eyes closed and relaxed body. He let's out a sigh of relaxation, his light brown hair with specs of blonde moves with the wind hitting his face. His tan skin soaks in the light of the sun and his tall medium build was surrounded by the grass. A small child no older than 7 came running up to the boy in the grass. "Jacob! Jacob!" yelled the small child, "let's play knights" sighing as he gets up; standing up Jacob was 5'7". Petting the boys head smiling Jacob said "Alright Arthur, let's play knights. I'll grab the swords and can you get the armor?" Nodding fastly the boy ran off smiling and gigging to himself over joyed. There was a an old cabin not to far from where Jacob was, there he stored the swords made of wood and a sheild.  The sheild was painted white with gold; the paint was faded from use and time. Arthur jumped with you seeing his sword and shield. His sword blade was panted silver and the guard gold; his grip was wrapped with a white dyed leather. Jacob took his time making Arthur's items, after a the kids was like his little brother. Jacob's sword was a similar design but the leather was black with a deep purple guard. Having didn't use a sheild he found it too restricting and blocks most of his vision. They get into their battle stance and charge at each other clashing swords. With bright smiles on their faces and laughter they "fought" until sundown. With 2 hours till the festival both boys lay in the field panting covered in dust smiling. Arthur looks at Jacob, I weakly he says "I almost got you this time!"  Laughing Jacob replied "Heh..yeah, but no dice pipsqueak."  After a few minutes they sit up and head  back not before storing the swords and sheild. With Arthur on his back they head into town surrounded by familiar faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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