"She's alive!" 


"Be nice to your Aunt Heidi." I told my beautiful 6-year old daughter.

She nodded and gave me one last hug.

"I'll miss you daddy." I returned the hug then pulled.

I left the residence and walked to my car, my beautiful wife in the passenger's seat. 

Her expression tells me she's not happy about my decision. Leaving 'my' only child with a woman I am not related to. 


"You're not going to get her back aren't you?" My beautiful wife asked me.

I shook my head and opened the door to our house.

It was silent.

but I can hear voices in my head.

'She never loved you'

'You should just kill yourself, your wife hates you.'

'She cheated on you with your best friend.'

I clutched my head and fell on my knees.

  "A-are you okay?" My beautiful wife asked me worriedly. 

I screamed in pain and ran inside the house.

I tried to get rid of the voice inside my head by pushing furniture off everything, breaking them, but it's still there.

'You can never get rid of me.'

'Take me inside you.'

I felt someone trying to restrain me, I can't let that happen. I punched the person..

My beautiful wife...

I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a match.

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.' 

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'

'You never loved her.'  It repeated. Again and Again...IT WON'T STOP.

I subconsciously lit the match and set fire on the curtain.

The flames instantly spread to the living room, on where my wife was but..

I felt myself walked towards the back door.

I wasn't in control of my body...


I'm homeless, My Wife is dead, My child is gone.

I stood before a bridge. I wanted to jump.

'do not.'

I disobeyed and climbed on to the railings.

Nobody seemed to care.

I sighed. 

This is the new society now.

Everyone is on their phones...

I took this opportunity to hover a foot.

But I felt my body being controlled again.

I was back on ground.

'Don't forget our deal.'

'Our deal?'

'I made your life better, now I want you to do what I want.'

'What's the point... I lost my house, my wife, my bestfriend...'

'Don't forget your daughter.'


'She may be not biologically yours, but she's a part of Cristiana as well..'

'My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter, My daughter.."

'Yes, yes. Now I'll propose a new deal. I help you get your daughter back to your hands, only if you hep me with world domination..'

'Yes, only for my daughter, only for Y/N..'

I stepped away from the bridge and started walking...Where? 

To find my daughter.


Edited - X






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